Sunday, November 02, 2008

Say what you will about Barry...

...but the man's an even better gun salesman than Hils.

Then again, guns always sell briskly in uncertain times. I wonder if any manufacturers of freeze-dried food are publicly traded?


  1. it's crazy how much business he's pulling into gun shops. the other half and i went to a local shop to get AR lowers, and the guy not only had people constantly going in and out while we were there (filling out our billions of papers), but he's got over 400 lowers in the safe, waiting for people to pick them up...and more on the way. nuts, if ye ask me, considering how that was just from one week of sales.

  2. I believe it. Our county-mounties just hired more help
    just to handle the increase in concealed-carry applications.

    (I learned this while applying for one myself :)

  3. Faln - I can't tell you how happy that makes me, especially since it's happening in MD.


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