Sunday, November 02, 2008

Believable fan fiction.

I am given to understand that there is an entire subgenre of "Fan Fiction" devoted to Kirk and Spock doing the bow-chicka-bomp-bom thing. I didn't get this at all because I never really picked up that subtext from Captain Velour and his pointy-eared sidekick.

However I would totally find it believable if the stories instead centered around Chris Matthews gettin' jiggy with The Anointed One. I mean, Matthews can barely say the guy's name without an ecstatic quaver in his voice.

The topic of the show this morning was "How grateful are you to be allowed to be alive at this awesome and transcendent moment in history?" I gotta say this for Chris: He sure can enunciate clearly with his mouth full.


  1. Holy crap.

    Now THAT is some high powered snark, there. I hope I never give you reason to unleash that in my direction.

  2. Yup, slash fiction. From the Kirk/Spock stories that the Yaoi fangirls wrote about the original series.

    As for missing the subtext, go to Google and type in the words "kirk spock closer" and hit the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button...

  3. Oh, the resulting video might not be entirely work (or sanity) safe...

  4. He sure can enunciate clearly with his mouth full.

    By pure luck, the coffee cup had not quite made it to my lips.

  5. "bow-chicka-bomp-bom thing"

    I didn't quite get that. Can you be a little more explicit?

  6. "...with his mouth full."


    Captcha: sprogati

  7. Tam,

    You just totally violated rule 34 you know.

    I would post links, but I have better taste than that.

  8. I just don't see Kirk and Spock as a couple. Sulu and Spock would be a different story. The mind reels at the possibilities, though.

    One could add "Vulcan prostate squeeze" to the Trek lexicon!

    Now, as for Chris, he was recently seen giving the Chosen One a lapdance.

  9. Dammit, Jim! I'm a Doctor, not a proctologist! How in the Hell did your communicator get stuck all the way up there? And why is it set to vibrate?

    I'd better go before the moderators shut this thread down.

  10. "He sure can enunciate clearly with his mouth full."

    (reaches for the mental floss)

    Thanks, lady. NOT the visual I needed at the moment.

  11. that ... was not the mental image I needed first thing in the morning. Thanks Tams. Love ya lots.

    *eepers* where's the brain shampoo?

  12. It could have been worse: she wandered into my room to announce coffee was brewing as the tooobe (my alarm clock) clicked on spewing ChrisMatthewsness all over and she started riffin' while I was struggling to wake up.

    Have to say, though Tam comes close even her effort falls a bit short of Chris's breathlessly drooling lust at the thought of The Leg-Tingler movin' into 1600 Pennsy. Were it in a film, his performance would be too overplayed to be thought credible.

  13. Chris Matthews - leaving no depth unplunged, no crevice unexplored, brown of nose and ...

    Aww hell, you guys already pretty well covered it before I could even really get started...

    darn it..

  14. Nicely put.

    Wordver: "anceptic". If that's not a real word, it certainly deserves to be. "Chris Matthews sprayed his mouth with anceptic after his interview with The One."


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