Thursday, November 20, 2008

Who leaves Atlantis off the maps?

Who keeps the Martians under wraps?
We do!
We do!


  1. Who holds back the electric car?
    Who makes Steve Guttenburg a star?
    We Do!
    We do!

    Who robs cave fish of their sight?
    Who rigs every Oscar night?
    We do!
    We do!

  2. Who controls the British crown?
    Who keeps the metric system down?

    We do!
    We do!

  3. Can't be on the level...

    Verification: unossuc
    Uh huh.

  4. Are there any Jewish Freemasons who also graduated from Yale?

    Besides, everybody knows that it was the Freemasons who were primarily responsible for the downfall of The Prophet Scudder. It makes no sense that they would help elect the Prophet Obama (pbuh).

  5. I'm a Jewish Freemason, but I graduated from IU. Is that good enough? :)

  6. The Masons are in charge? I thought it was the Bilderbergers, or maybe the Elders of Zion. Possibly even the Rosicrucians.

    I'm pretty sure the Skull & Bones crew has dibs on setting world calcium prices. All those bones, ya know...

  7. If Obama is their doing, can I get a temporary membership for his inaugural hazing? I would give quite a bit to be involved in Crossing the Desert, or The Paddling of the Swollen Ass (With Paddles) with That One on the receiving end.

  8. I keep hearing about that the Freemasons “run things.” I haven’t seen much evidence of it during my 32 years in the Order. Politics is not an acceptable topic for discussion in my lodge. However, if a Nehemiah Scudder-like figure arose, this would no doubt change.

  9. Well, every Perdue grad knows that IU is the source of all entropy. Even the campus in Ft. Wayne, I'm sorry to say.

  10. El Capitan: It's none of those organizations. It's all a big misdirection by those who are really responsible...

    The National Dairy Council!

  11. I know it's a comment late-hit, but thanks to this post I had that damn stonecutter song stuck in my head until today. You can all thank Marko for finally knocking it out with a worse ear-worm and saving every last one of you from my fury, expressed in the form of actually singing the damn thing out loud.


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