Monday, December 01, 2008

Cool gear!

With my Garand as my emergency zombocalypse rifle in the current, temporary absence of any AR-15's in the house, I had wondered how I would stow any extra ammunition on or about my person.

I mean, sure, slipping a spare clip onto the sling in Sgt. Rock fashion is cool, but that's one extra clip of eight rounds. It's hard to deal with a major outbreak from Lambda Complex or Umbrella Corporation or wherever the heck it is zombies come from with only sixteen rounds of .30-'06, even if that sixteen rounds is sixteen rounds of rocking, anti-Nazi, black-tip armor piercing stuff with a tungsten core in an awesomesauce jacket.

So, how best to carry extra ammo on a MOLLE vest or a bug-out belt when all my existing gear is AR-centric? PDB has discovered a way. Groovy.


  1. In Indiana, zombies come from Eli Lilly, the local medical research plant.

    That site has some very cool gear, thanks!

  2. Nifty!
    And the whole thing slips into an AR-15 magazine pouch.
    Double nifty!

    Captcha: hedsof

  3. How about a classic cartridge belt?

    Open the belt up to full-size, and sling it across one shoulder like a bandolier. Gives one that Sgt. Rock look with a slightly different style.

  4. Well, I'm trying to avoid having to grab more than one thing.

    As it is, I have a pistol belt with 6 AR mags, a knife, a canteen, a pistol holster with mag pouch, and NVGs. I need to add a small first aid pouch, and ditch the knife, which would free up enough belt real estate to go to a GI flap holster instead of a Safariland 6004. (I can't think of any quasi-urban zombocalypse scenario that would need a knife bigger than my pocket knife. You don't need a foot of sharpened A2 steel prybar to cut open instant latte mix pouches between waves of shamblers...)

  5. Surplus .30-06 can be had preloaded in Garand clips, the clips being loaded in bandoliers. My Danish surplus bandoliers hold 6 clips each, so sling two of these over your shoulder and you have 96 rounds if my math is right.

    I know you would have more ammo in an AR-15 load out, but then again, wasn't that one of the main reasons for the AR in the first place? The way I figure, if you get into more Zombies than can be managed with 96 rounds of .30-06, you will be needing reinforcements anyway (and ideally, indirect fire support).

  6. I keep a Bandolier wrapped around the barrel with 6 clips. Enough to get started and a spam can with 4 more bandoliers within arms reach. CMP and get the greek on bandoliers in the can.

  7. On the other hand two or three feet of sharpened tool steel would make a damn fine back up weapon if you got caught flat footed and missed a reload. Also works great if you needed a quiet way to dispatch a Zed without attracting the attention of his buddies............

  8. The cheapo E. German grenade pouches you see at Less Expensive Than hold 9 clips each. Not as glamorous, but it works.

    Just the same, I'm going to be getting two or three of those nifty thingamajigs, as that means I only need one set of web gear whether I take an AR or an M1 to the party.


  9. I dunno about Blackwing1's suggestion. It's not available in black, khaki, or ARPAT. Seems like it would be tres gauche to show up for the zombie apocalypse with a mismatched outfit that was sixty years out of date. What would the ghouls think?

  10. Interesting that you posted this when you did, Tam.

    Loading up to go to the range today (yay!), I'm bringing my new (to me) SKS for a trial run. I decided to load up some stripper clips, and was looking around the G. armory for a handy method to store said clips. Sure, I've got the ancient "leather" belt carrier that's de rigeur for the SKS, but I was feeling more tacticool.

    Solution? A 5.56 bandolier. The SKS stripper clips fit two-to-a-pocket, for 140 rounds of intermediate goblin- or zombie dispatchin' goodness...

    I'd wager the bandolier would hold one Garand clip per pocket, meaning you'd only get 56 rounds back-up, but it beats carrying 'em loose, right?

  11. Oh, no... Tam, you didn't just do this to me. Here I am, with my brandy-new AR, freshly sighted in YESTERDAY in the cold, freezing, RAIN, patting myself on the back for being prepared... when I read this and discover that all the tacticool kids have magazine carriers.

    My wallet hates you!

    Heh... word verification is Bumbo.

  12. I picked up a Korean era cartridge belt some years ago after I acquired my CMP Garand. I've added a GI flap holster for my full-sized Kimber, two .45 mag pouches, first-aid kit and canteen. It holds 8 Garand clips and I've room to add one more pouch.

    Works for me.

  13. John:

    I have no idea where I picked it up, but I've got a repro Garand-pouch-belt in Tacti-Cool Black. True, my OD green sling doesn't match (I could always go with the retro-look leather), but I thought the Z's were color blind? You know, no sunlight and all.


    With zombie-flesh as squishy as it is, are the black-tipped AP rounds really required? Unless you can get a half-a-dozen to line up for you, of course.

  14. Blackwing1: I'm just messing around. In the event of zombocalypse, I don't expect to worry too much about whether my ammo belt matches my shoes. :)

    Might have found the belt you mentioned, though:

  15. Although, it occurs to me that I might be concerned about other survivors trying to cack me for a gun or ammunition.

  16. I have an old OD Garand belt from my Grandpa's stuff and a new Sarco type one that's way too clean and shiny-bright. It needs need to be drug through the mud, some cosmoline, and a kelp-bed to get that dingy-stanky army-canvas smell and darken the khaki color.
    But the main problem is that it doesn't have a button for the .45 mag-pouch - but that's how they all were.
    If you cut-away one of the front clip pouches though you make room for the mag-pouch - that's how the old OD belt is anyhow...

  17. Chainsaws don't run out of ammo.

  18. Damn, that is totally sweet. Now I wish I had an M1.

  19. Necessity is truly the mother of invention. Making M-16 mag pouches suitable for M-1 Garand clips is genius worthy of Wile E. Coyote. Long may S.O.E. prosper.


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