Monday, December 01, 2008

We're cheery by comparison...

If you read the American press, you'd think that there was a bit of an economic slowdown in the works that might turn into a spot of recession.

If you read the Limey press, you'd think the food riots were well under way and that they were already turning to cannibalism in darkest Kensington.

I thought they were supposed to have the stiff upper lip while we shrieked like schoolgirls?


  1. You can tell things are bad. Look at how grim the photo accompanying the column is compared to the smiling face in the sidebar beside it.

  2. Things can't be that bad economically there yet...Northern Ireland hasn't even heated back up.

  3. I dunno...if you believe a quarter of what you read (or at least what I read, anyway), this time next year we'll be burning zombies to stay warm and eating our slower neighbors.

    WV: "refater." I have no idea what it means, but it sounds like it ought to be the title of a Pixies song.

  4. Having just spent three weeks in England, you're exactly right about the hysterical tone.

    And, just like back in the U. S., there doesn't seem to be any actual, observable distress.

    Just panic.

    What, three trillion dollars created and committed, over just fear.

  5. Oldsmoblogger,

    "I dunno...if you believe a quarter of what you read (or at least what I read, anyway)"

    I read it too, Oldsmoblogger, but having climbed down into the slit trench in the tomato patch my first time back when Jimmy Carter muffed SALT II, I've gotten as cynical about alarmists as I have the "everything's gonna be okay" crowd.

    I conduct business as normal, and keep my powder dry. There's no need to panic if you've been prepared longer than you've had a driver's license...

  6. You mean I'm not gonna get to exercise droit de seigneur based on my carefully hoarded stash of canned creamed corn? Some days it don't pay to get outta bed.... ;-)

  7. Hm. Somebody takes a financial hit and the crazy person they're married to...leaves?

    I'm not seeing the down side here.

    Oh, and it seems that that the cannibalism alert is over: Word Verification is "cusne," which of course is "cuisine" without any "I" in it.

  8. England's culture has been run by shrieking, faint-y types since the the end of the last Great Unpleasantness, MK2.

    The women haven't been too happy, either.

  9. Wow, it's another example of life imitating SNL...

    "I can't have babies...without getting ugly stretch marks."



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