Friday, December 05, 2008

The goatrope continues...

...with a non-apology from H-S Precision.

McMillan makes nice stocks.

As it stands? To use an appropriate aphorism from out here in Bitter & Clingy America, I wouldn't pee in H-S Precision's mouth if their teeth were on fire...


  1. Mcmillan makes VERY nice stocks, and Gale was a great guy, to boot.

  2. Apropos of something else, check your e-mail for good news :-)

  3. The best part is how prominent the announcement was.

    Wordver: minow - fish bigger and more obvious than HS's non-apology.

  4. I think HK has got some serious competition for "Because you suck, and we hate you."

  5. That does it. H-S Precision is off my Christmas card list!

  6. Damn, looks like cossack beat me to it.

  7. So far, H-S's flat toned announcement in small print on their site, that there will be no endorsements at all in their next catalog sinks like a...[insert y'r personal uncomplimentary, possibly scatological, analogy].

    My speculative 'read' is that there may have been a strong link between FBI/Horuchi, internally at H-S. As in friendship, even admiration for a "HRT/sniper guru." Yeah, barf AND either ignorant or callous disregard of history

    The non-action just doesn't make sense, unless there were some compelling reason, personally important to the 'family-run' business, to be so resistant to disavowing Horuchi.

    "DOES NOT COMPUTE! DOES NOY COMPUTE!", in my best robo-voice.

    John the Red

  8. Heh, excellent aphorism.

    verify: "spend". What I won't be doing with H-S Precision.

  9. "I wouldn't pee in H-S Precision's mouth if their teeth were on fire..."

    Taaaam, you owe me a new keyboard and a cup of coffee!

  10. The Texas version has always been:

    I wouldn't piss in their ears if their brains were on fire.

    Alleged "mall ninja" who never goes to malls and isn't a ninja.

  11. Shamelessly copied 'n' pasted from a comment I made under a different name on a message board:

    Regarding H-S Precision's response, I can't imagine that any stronger statement would be forthcoming. H-SP's reputation among civilians has clearly suffered and a continuing boycott could hit them in the wallet, maybe even hard enough to affect their bottom line. However, that's nothing compared to what the whole array of national police and regulatory agencies could--and, under an essentially hostile Administration, quite possibly would--do to their company in retaliation if H-SP's corporate officers specifically severed ties with Agent Horiuchi.

    Just for the record, I won't be buying any of their stuff either, although I'm not sure how relevant this is since my tastes don't run much towards the plastactical anyhow.

    Colt and HK--just to name two manufacturers off the top of my head--seem to be doing well enough as primarily military/LE vendors. I suspect H-SP will follow their example.

  12. Nice mental image there. Some people pay for that (sadly).

  13. I did not see any form of the words "sorry" or "apology" in there anywhere, did you?

  14. The Philadelphia version I learned is
    "I wouldn't piss in his teeth if his beard was on fire".

  15. How exactly does one go about catching ones teeth on fire?


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