Monday, December 01, 2008

Let it snow.

I wore my pyjamas inside-out last night to help the snow stick, since there was only supposed to be an inch or two. That's enough to look scenic without being enough to cause real trouble and, other than maybe in the full bloom of Spring, Broad Ripple looks its best with a little bit of snow.

There's always the possibility, though, that yankee weather gremlins won't know why I was wearing my pyjamas inside-out...


  1. Snow! Hmpf. It's a lot nicer to look at than to drive in.

  2. I'd never heard of that and I doubt it works up here. I think all you have to do here is wear any pajamas at all.

  3. wow - never heard of that trick with the pajamas! Now, do they need to be dirty pajamas or clean?

  4. I'm curious to know if Broad Ripplealiens wander out into the snow in their short pants and flip flops like some do here. They do usually cover their heads with a do-rag or knit cap. Sometimes icicles hang from their piercings.

    It is a contrast to see them standing along side a drover wearing Wranglers, spurred boots, wide-brimmed felt lid, and a range coat. One or the other is "bad lost" because they don't naturally mingle.

  5. I don't know whether to be amused that the snow stuck or disapointed that Tam wears pajamas.

    Hey, I'm a guy. The brain is hardwired that way I can't do a damned thing about it. I'm disapointed that the Ogwife wears pajamas too.

  6. Snow? I vaguely remember something about cold white stuff back when I lived up north, but it is merely a fading memory now. I think I'll go sit on the beach later today and reminisce.

  7. Snow! Hmpf. It's a lot nicer to look at than to drive in

    Yeah, I got stuck in a ditch in the middle-of-nowhere, Wisconsin, after trying to help a fellow driver... Turned my car around to bump him out, but the snow was too deep, turned around again and then got stuck 'cause I went too far...

    Had to wait for 4 hours until they could clear the road and pull me out...

    Sheesh... Finally made it home at ~3AM...

    On a separate topic, do you still want that LCD? I sent you an email to tamslick

  8. This post is worthless without Pics IMO

  9. It didn't work because you mis-spelled "pajamas".

  10. Snow sucks. That's why I live in Texas.

  11. Snow?

    My son and I were at the range on Saturday in our tee shirts. Several people there were still wearing shorts.

    Living in the desert has its advantages.

    I'll write more in July when its a 110 and you burn your fingers if you try to pick up brass that has been laying in the sun for more than a minute.


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