Monday, December 15, 2008

Overheard in the Living Room:

TV Commercial Announcer: "Ever wish you had sonic hearing?"


Oh, jeez, my eyes are still watering and my tummy hurts.

I should call the toll-free number. I'm sick of hearing in the ultraviolet portion of the spectrum...


  1. That's almost, but not quite , as good as the TV ad for the "High Definition" sunglasses I saw advertised the other day (act now and we'll send you a "Cap Snaffler. . it Snaffles Caps!")

  2. Gosh, all this time I've had visual hearing. Wonderful...

  3. Yeah, but does it come with a free turnip twaddler?

  4. Doesn't everything?

  5. Hey, some people get their senses confused. My mom was famous for "my car smells hot. Can you tell me what's wrong with it?"

    "Well, Mom, it smells hot because it's actually blue, but it tastes red, it looks salty, and it feels loud."

  6. Reminds me of an old ad for drill bits that claimed to be so good they could "turn at rotary speeds!"

  7. To think! I could totally do through-transmission ultrasound with only one probe! (Ok, ok, its a bit of an esoteric joke. But look at the title of my blog!)

  8. Sonic hearing.... Yeah let me know when there is another kind.

  9. But wait!

    You're overlooking the major benefit of the SonicEar or a Bluetooth headset... you can walk around talking to yourself and nobody looks at you funny.

    Some days, I don't even turn mine on!

  10. Sonic. Does that mean I'll hear as good as a hedgehog?

  11. I'm waiting for ultrasonic hearing so I can listen to the radio and clean gun parts and jewelry at the same time.

  12. but but but you could tromp around in a bikini and hear all the positive comments from the girls in the folding beach chairs! Or how pleased you are with the surprise party! It's not just hearing.

    It's S O N I C hearing!!!!!

    word verification: ionpo

    a condition wherein one is lacking ions.

  13. I remember a TV ad from ~20 years ago for a sooper-deluxe TV antenna -- a regular set of rabbit ears with a cheezy-looking 6" plastic "satellite" dish glued on between them -- that could "literally pull the television signals right out the air". That one was a real favorite in the barracks at USAF electronics school at Keesler AFB!

    word verification "whiedger", which I think is something like a wedgie received via television?

  14. Og, she probably meant the smell of volatile chemicals burning off the engine, the scent of which means something's probably leaking.


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