Saturday, January 31, 2009

The big problem with Nancy Pelosi... that she thinks her job is to make me eat my spinach.

No, Nancy, you miss the point. The job of you and all your fellow errand boys and girls is to keep the checkbook balanced, schlep out the legislative trash, and make sure nobody makes off with the metaphorical silverware while us grown-up private citizens try and go about the daily business of doing the things that make this civilization function, unencumbered by the need for that folderol. You have come down with a bad, bad case of Forgottenwhoworksforwho-itis.

This is how come you and the rest of your congressional buddies collectively have an approval rating that makes George W. Bush look like the second coming of Elvis.


  1. The big problem with all of them is that they aren't wearing neckties of the right consistency.

  2. Spot on, Tamara!
    The federal government functionaries have been stricken with the proverbial we/them mentality, worse so than that of some cynical and jaded LEOs. However, gratefully their term is limited to two years at a time. Unfortunately, the very same mental meagerness that BAMed! the Casa Blanca are pavlovian in their regular voting booth behaviors...

  3. All I've got to say to that is "Amen".


  4. They do have it backwards, and I've got some Broccoli for HER to eat!

  5. Establishment, establishment, you always know what's best...

    (If you know the source of that, you get a free cookie.)

  6. Sarah ( said...

    Establishment, establishment, you always know what's best...

    (If you know the source of that, you get a free cookie.)

    Stewie Griffin

  7. ^^ addendum to above^^
    Stewie Griffin at Woodstock

  8. Actually, isn't it their job to get the hell out of the way and let us get the country back on track?

    'Cause they sure haven't shown any particular skill at that for the last seventy or eighty years.

    WV: dernated. The act of "derning someone to heck". As in, "Congress was heavily dernated today when it announced it could solve all the country's problems by throwing money at them."

  9. What a load o' pelosi - straight from the pelosi's-mouth! LOL

  10. Senator Sam Brownback, R-KS, is following his pledge to only serve two terms. Rumor has it that he'll run for Kansas Governor. IIRC, Fred Thompson left the senate to comply with his pledge to only run two terms.

    Why is it that only Repubs make pledges like that---and keep them!

    Words cannot describe how much I detest Pelosi, Reid, Murtha, Schumer, Waxman, and all the other Marxist wannabees.

  11. Liberalism by nature is intrinsically self-destructive. It is like a parasitic cancer that envelopes a body and consumes it. The problem is like all parasites there is only so much "food" to go around. This is why Thatcher explained about the problem with Socialism, "You end up running out of other peoples' money." They are on borrowed time- that is why they are as desperate as they are and we are not. They know they are on the spot and they do not have much time to get their agenda through. Believe it or not- They have two years. The clock is already ticking and they are fumbling tremendously at the legislative level (The stimulus package that went through the house without a single Republican vote). They will not have too many chances to get this done and they know it.

    These people have always worked for themselves and in their heart they are like the Soviets who despised the Russian people because they weren't effete intellectuals like they were. Nothing changes!They will crumble and fade away into dust like their long dead idols in the Kremlin.

  12. atlharp,
    Perhaps they will crumble and fade. I just don't want to be one of the serfs they stand in front of a wall and shoot before they do.

  13. isn't it their job to get the hell out of the way and let us get the country back on track?

    "Get the hell out of the way" sounds better in French.


    French is not noted for concision; still, credit where due.

  14. "atlharp,
    Perhaps they will crumble and fade. I just don't want to be one of the serfs they stand in front of a wall and shoot before they do."

    True, neither do I- I didn't say take it lying down! I think before they start their internment camps (A Democrat tradition) I will have enough ammo to hold them off. ;-)

  15. atlharp,
    Roger that, we may be outnumbered but we will have truth and right on our side!
    In the mean time, keep your powder dry and check six.


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