Saturday, January 31, 2009

Truth in Advertising...

One of the mail order diploma mills has spammed my inbox pimping its CJ program:
Tammy, The world has changed since September 2001. Not only has the U.S. Department of Labor predicted that by 2010 there will be more than a 29% increase in the demand for FBI Officers, Police Officers, Private Detectives, U.S. Customs Agents and many others, but the growing emphasis on homeland security has created an unprecedented demand for criminal justice and security professionals.
Sad to say, but they're right, there. I'd say that the enforcement arms of various regulatory agencies are pretty much the only real sure-fire winners in the job market of the next several years. They and the other various badge-carrying agents of Leviathan will be okey-dokey. I don't know about the Border Patrol, though; they've always been the red-headed stepchild of federal LE, and I'm not sure that they're poised for a radical growth curve in the era of Hope and Change.

Local law enforcement may be in a bit more of a pickle; if tax revenues fall, it can be hard to run a SWAT team off the cash from speeding tickets and the occasional seized doublewide. Be a shame if Mayberry had to sell its stylin' armored car to make ends meet.

While we're on the topic of Leviathan, I note that if you are in the hand-made infant goodies business, now you have a whole year to learn another skill, instead of being screwed in February. Thanks, Big Government! O You are truly most munificent!


  1. I wonder what the penalty is if a commenter were to call you "Tammy."

  2. It makes an easy way to spot spam, I'll tell you that. ;)

  3. "Wait, you mean this bill will destroy the entire industry? For no good reason? And there was never really much to worry about in the first place? Shit, we'd better put it off for a year, then."

    Hooray for the Republic.

  4. We get another year before the "OMG! Lead! Bad!" insanity kicks in?

    This is, like, the best present ever. It's exactly what I wanted, Uncle Sugar! You always know what's best.

  5. Heh! It was announced last week that due to budget cuts, the KC Police Department will have layoffs.

    Seems that Wayne Coffman, the KC City Manager, didn't account for all the expenditures in 2008 and the city is in the red. Ditto for 2009 apparently.

    I've not heard about any layoffs in the other union city employees.

  6. There's nothing quite like killing an industry in the middle of a recession. But while should indie baby clothes makers and resale shops be spared the pain?

    After all, they may as well get behind coal plant execs and workers, oil drillers, white construction workers, Catholic hospital staff, and conservative radio hosts in the unemployment line, if Luce Veritas gets all of the bills before him that he wants.

  7. I'm curious. If lead in toys is so "ZOMG WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE" dangerous, why can we wait a year to "fix the problem?"

  8. Crucis--

    KCMo or KCK?

  9. Be a shame if Mayberry had to sell its stylin' armored car to make ends meet.

    Not if I've the cash on hand to pick it up! :D New toy!

  10. Rickn8or, KCMO. There's been a bit a waffling since they made the announcement, but I haven't heard that anything has changed.

  11. Some explanation about the KC Police Department. KCPD is funded by KCMO, but is not controlled by the city. There is a 3-man oversite committee appointed by the state to administer KCPD.

    It's a holdover from the Pendergast days when Pendergast used the PD for his personal bully-boys.

  12. Good timing that they extended the deadline for kiddy stuff. Now I can buy cute handmade wear for my coming rug rat ... I just hope they work out this law and can it all together.

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