Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A black day in history...

So, how badly did that suck yesterday when Bushitler and the fascist Rethuglican-controlled Blackwater military declared martial law and rolled tanks through the streets of DC after declaring the Chimperor the first American Dictator For Life?

Except, oh, wait... yeah... that didn't happen.


  1. I've been waiting four years to put that up. Thanks!

  2. In a picture taken shortly before his departure The Pres looks happy, younger, and relieved to be getting the hell out of that cesspit, DC.
    Obie is gonna age like Ron Howard.

  3. Nice title, is that pun intentional?

  4. Actually and honestly, no reference to Sheriff Bart was implied.

  5. Don't get too excited yet, there's still a chance Karl Rove can use his time machine to go back and do it!

  6. It's not over yet... Two commentators apparently screwed up yesterday and said Obama's RULE had begun...

  7. <wingnut>
    Hey, she said "black"!!!

    <'nother wingnut>
    Shuddup, she's armed!
    </'nother wingnut>

    TW: "disestri"
    You take dis estri,
       and I'll take dat estri...

  8. What the left doesn't understand is that had that happened, we on the right would be out on the barricades fighting such a power-grab, while most of them would just be kvetching into their lattes at Starbucks.

  9. I bet all the computer keyboards in the White House were found to have all the "O" keys intact, unlike the "W" keys 8 years ago, too.


  10. Wait...Bush isn't still President?!?! I was SO banking on that fascist takeover. Damn those liberals for getting my hopes up.

  11. I still think W's farewell address should have been "You can go to Hell, I'm goin' to Texas."

    WV: fairrhea. What we are all going to be suffering from, as we are called upon to share our (mythical) wealth.

  12. The best part was that, in honor of Monday's MLK holiday, Obama was judged on his character, not the color of his skin!

    Oh wait, I guess that didn't happen either... At least not by the lamestream types.

  13. Were I GWB, I'd have to drunk-dial BHO at least once at three a-yem and ask, "How ya like the job now?"

  14. I guess it's similar to how they think that citizens carrying concealed would mean a bloodbath on the streets every day. They were just projecting their own tendencies on others.


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