Thursday, January 01, 2009

A building full of awesome.

Out by the Bass Pro Shop in Sevierville is a store called, I swear by all that's holy, "The Beef Jerky Outlet".
Made. Of. Win.


  1. I was out there in the Fall of 07, even went to that BPS. I completely missed the Jerky Outlet. I'm sure my dad would've wanted to stop by as well (family vacation...).


  2. They even had kinds of Alaskan smoked salmon I've never seen in Alaska. Talk about your niche market.

    How was the salmon jerky? :)

  3. Saving it for the drive home. Jerky is, after all, the official roadtrip food of the human race. :D

  4. I like to eat!
    I like to eat jerky!
    I like to eat jerky on road trips!
    Does that make me a roadie toadie?

  5. If you're ever in my neck of the woods, do try the Beef Jerky Emporium.

  6. I went there a few months ago and picked up a good assortment... I wasn't impressed.

    Crockett Creek has always been my bag (hah) but lately they've changed their recipe and it's not even close to what it used to be.

    *sigh*. My kingdom for a good piece of dried meat.

  7. If there's a gun store down the block I'm moving there.

  8. I have stopped there a few times when passing through the area. Good stuff.

  9. If there's a gun store down the block I'm moving there.

    Better! A gigantic outdoors store (clothes, tents, kayaks, camping stuff... and guns) right across the parking lot. With an indoor "shooting gallery" and full of "nature scenes" of stuffed critters from all over. Imagine "rustic Montana lodge meets warehouse store."

    Also, a wondermous steakhouse next door, and the giantest knifestore you ever did see a few miles down the road.

    Hey, East Tennessee tourist shops know their clientele.

  10. Now that it comes up in the conversation, there are three things I have never paid money for, and jerky and firewood are two of them.

  11. Jen,

    And a minor league baseball field across the street whose concession stands serve BBQ nachos!!!

    Guns, knives, steak, beef jerky, baseball, BBQ, and a Harley dealership across the road. It's like a little slice of heaven on earth...

  12. I've got venison in the freezer, a dehydrator and Cabela's jerky mix. Time for some yum!!

  13. That's funny. I passed by there on my way back from Ft. Bragg today and the first thing that popped into my mind was "Does Tam know about this?"



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