Sunday, January 04, 2009

From the "Great Minds Think Alike" department:

Yesterday afternoon Marko twittered that:
There's virtually no movie that can't be improved by including a bunch of yuppies, and then killing them off gruesomely.
How about machine guns? Would that be gruesome? If they were, say, Nazi yuppies? 'Cause I think that would be cinematic genius.


  1. Well, at least it's not verbatim, and so we're left with the fact that he recognizes a good plot, too! When does Netflix get it?

  2. As was commented on ++Undead earlier today:

    Yes, it is doubtless the result of both simultaneous independent discovery a la Leibniz and Newton and slavish fan-boy plagiarism; but mostly...

  3. about Nazi yuppie zombies???

  4. the hell did that get in there with a 7:49 a.m. stamp? 'tweren't there a while ago...musta been in the draft queue? maybe great minds do think alike...


  5. This nazi yuppy ties into the dress-up post as well....

    Guns and booze do NOT mix boys and girls, even with blank ammo.

  6. jtc,

    " the hell did that get in there with a 7:49 a.m. stamp? 'tweren't there a while ago...musta been in the draft queue? maybe great minds do think alike..."

    I forgot to hit the "publish" button as I was running out the door to go to the range this morning...

  7. ah, well that 'splains that, lucy...

    the snark in that one was so gentle as to be barely detectable...or maybe i'm just obtuse.


  8. Have the Nazi yuppies zombified because they were too stupid to run ... then have the protagonists spend the rest of the movie doing yuppy nazi zombie headshots.

  9. "gruesome" - Grue is a word for "blood", so anything that spatters blood about would be gruesome.

    Even a yuppie bashing a long gun against the tree, stumbling as the stock of the rifle breaks off, falling onto the broken remains of the stock, thus impaling the hippie through the chest, resulting in both internal bleeding (aspirated from lungs and stomach), and from gaping chest and back wounds (as the impaled yuppie's thrashings dislodge vengeful rifle fragments). Gruesome. Not to mention that the whole story would be sappy. The poor tree has damaged bark, after all.

  10. If you recall that fine werewolf flick, An American Werewolf in London, you may recall the brief dream scene experienced by the protagonist: his family is massacred by Nazi stormtrooper pig-zombies using submachine guns. Quite a frightful scene.

    I prefer the shower scene from that same movie myself, but then I was often told that cleanliness is next to godliness.


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