Sunday, January 04, 2009

Random Boomstickery.

When I met Staghounds for lunch back in K-Town, he gave me a handful of .38 Auto ammunition.

This means that the Colt 1902 is coming to the range next weekend. What good is having an awesome old gun like that if you don't shoot it?

Today at the range it was all 9mm and .22LR, with the Para LTC and my Ceiner kit on my '66 Colt. Plus a little bit of close-in work with the Marlin Papoose because I have been woefully slack with long guns lately; one of the perils of city dwelling.

I need more Papoose mags.

I need to do laundry and I need to clean guns. How awesome is it that the gun cleaning table is only about five steps from the washer and dryer? Almost as though it were fate...


  1. I've got a Marlin Papoose and six ten-round magazines. Does amybody know about larger mags for this gun?

  2. Hmm... and I was handling .38acp loading dies at the gun show today... Should have snagged them for you.

    But... I was too busy dickering over a RCBS 8x57 neck sizing die. Got it for less than it cost me to walk into the show.

    I saw two 1934 Beretta's like mine, one with an original holster (wartime). Both were priced FAR higher than I paid for mine... so I'za happy camper. What I failed to find were .380 dies or Beretta grip panels. What I DID see was S+W 22/32 kit gun, but it was priced at a princely sum, especially considering the almost total lack of finish.

    Not that I arrived capable of buying anything boomy like anyway. Just there for fun and educational value.

  3. The shotgun was not blogworthy? (. . . and lunch? I thought capers would get the nod at least).

    But, but, everyone was looking at you!

    Shootin' Buddy

  4. I've an acquaintance that collects guns but won't shoot them because it "lowers the value". It's an "investment". What's the point of having a gun if you can't shoot it? Have fun.

  5. "I've an acquaintance that collects guns but won't shoot them because it "lowers the value". It's an "investment". What's the point of having a gun if you can't shoot it? Have fun."

    I can't stand stuff like that. I have had guys give rare, vintage sticks that are like 50 years old. They collected for years and I smoke them. I have people ask me why. I tell them, "this cigar has waited 50 years to be smoked, why should it wait any longer?"

    Guns are meant to be shot, cigars are meant to be smoked, and fine wine/ liquor is made to be drank. If you want to get into collecting- get some baseball cards or stamps

  6. Carteach0--

    Went to a gun show here yesterday; bought a wallet.

    Walking past the tables made me feel a whole bunch happier about the prices I've paid for stuff in the past.

    "You can't pay too much for a gun, you just buy it too soon."

  7. Ramline made a 25 round banana mag for the Papoose, Item No. 8025 I have a pair from an Eastman's show in Atlanta back in the early 90's.
    Dunno if they still make them but I recall the darn thing came apart while I was shooting with it and I subsequently used pins to keep that from happening again.


  8. "What good is having an awesome old gun like that if you don't shoot it?"

    not a damn i said when you bought her and showed pics of a properly used and loved sweetheart: "she's a driver, not no trailer queen..."

    and that applies to guns, cars (or trucks as in the case of my old ratrod '54 chev), and wimminz.


  9. "But, but, everyone was looking at you!"

    well, no s--t! better get used to it, shootin' buddy...


  10. Get more plastic guns.

    Cav Arms receivers are dishwasher safe!

  11. Tam...

    What model Para do you pack?

    I always had a sort of a thing for Paras anyway, then they came out with the awesome LDA.
    The one I liked best? The Para Companion--a Combat Commander with what a DA trigger was meant to be.
    Some heathen stole it, dammit, and I haven't replaced it yet--but one surely misses that trigger!

  12. Well...

    ...actually I don't carry the Para; it's a 9mm LTC that I use for inexpensive 1911 practice at the range.

    The 1911s I carry are all .45ACP, single action, steel-frame guns.

  13. I had a similar awesome moment last year. Got my "new" CMP M1 Carbine, and ran a tub of hot water to dissolve the cosmoline. Soaked the metal parts for a half hour, took them out to dry, and noted the ring around the tub.

    And laughed. If I didn't live in the Pacific Northwest, it would have been a Jeff Foxworthy moment. "If your first reaction to leaving a ring of military grade weapons preservative in the bath tub is to laugh, you might be..."

    Instead of "redneck" maybe we could have a series for God's Own Bachelors.


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