Saturday, January 03, 2009

Hoods and molls with gats and heaters.

I've often thought that having a competition using older guns would be kind of cool, but the whole Cowboy Action thing, run as it is by the "Single Action Shooting Society", isn't really my cup of tea. The whole thing was founded by guys who grew up watching Westerns where everybody used single action Colts, and thus the name.

Over time, variants like "Wild Bunch" shoots (using early 20th Century guns) sprang up here and there, and now it appears that someone has extended the concept to the Roaring Twenties. My curiosity is now piqued.


  1. That is so cool! I especially like the flapper with the Thompson.(Or is it the flasher with the Johnson? No matter!)
    I would love to do that, maybe with .45 1911 single-stacks and period revolvers. Very cool!

    WV: heasts

  2. I don't think I'd get away with the flapper outfit but that was pretty fun to watch.

  3. Was she wearing heels? That would be a challenging, ladies-only event. Or maybe an event where the ladies draw and fire a 2-shot derringer from a garter holster. Call it an "Untouchables" shoot? Maybe steel targets shaped like whiskey bottles?

    WV: flacitiv

    (No comment)

  4. Drove past the place where they planted Clyde Barrow over on Fort Worth avenue yesterday, and reflected that wardrobe was really on their game back then. Here's to the righteous threads with footwear to match. *sigh*

  5. Me like'um.

    Good, clean All-American Fun!!

    I'd kinda like to see a re-creation of that possibly apocryphal shoot [fictionalized in the Grapes of Wrath], where the Okie migrants demonstrated to the Californian farm owners, just what a rifle was for and how it was used.

    I doubt that anymore we could all show up as rail-lean, Depression era folks in worn bib coveralls or gingham dresses, but everyone should own at least one worn silver-grey firearm from that era.

    Mine are my great-grandfathers 12 ga., single bbl pheasant killer, and the family's Saturday night socializing gun: no-name nickle plated pocket .32, with the hammer spur filed off.

    West End'o Lake Erie

  6. maybe when the "band of brothers" variant comes around, i'll give it a look...combining your thing for machine guns and dead nazis with pretending- er, re-enacting- it all over again oughta be fun.

    hope your trip yesterday back to hoosierland was fun; mine up to north ga was decidedly not...fla turnpike and 75 were parking lots making my 8 hr drive 11.

    who'da thunk it? i was sure i'd have northbound all to myself considering that every q-tip in ohio, mich...and indy...seem to be in central fla right now; well at least you should have the place to yourself up there for a few months.


  7. Brigid,
    Is is so very wrong that we'd like to see you try "to get away with that flapper outfit"?

    (Yes, fellas, I KNOW she's--well--armed. But we were ALL thinking it.)

    WV: "thoingly"--not even touching that one.

  8. Awesome! :D Now, if only I could afford a BAR to go with the Lincoln Zephyr and the Pinstripes. :D (Not that I've got those either, but they're slightly more realistic than the BAR. Sad, considering what they should cost...)

  9. :-)

    Ok, now that looks like fun! I have done cowboy shoots, and enjoyed the heck out of them. This looks like at least as much fun...if not more.
    Think a Thompson might get pricey though....

  10. Brigid
    You could very well indeed "get away with the flapper outfit." Don't be silly. And don't fish for complements.

    Yeah, I'd like a BAR, too.

    At least the men's clothes (Pinstripes suits and hats) are covered for 1920--1950 for the folks who supply swing dancers. Women's fashions changed more.

  11. I just realized--put the Indy Blogmeet bloggers in 20s period clothing, and you've got the cast of Chicago

  12. I didn't grow-up playing Cowboys and Injuns either, I can relate more to Molls and Gangsters - there's the whole sexy-babe angle that Cowboys and Indians lack (or I don't wanna know about it) - and I'd feel plain weird(er) walking around in a cowboy hat, don't even get me started on chaps... A better excuse to buy and shoot a 1903 Colt I can hardly imagine.

  13. Looks like fun... but what is with the "Draw and rack" on the 1911s?

    WV: spedgins. Sounds like a characters name from a Terry Pratchett novel...

  14. This is really cool from the historical angle. It is one thing to read about those times, but to walk around in the garb shouting, "You'll never take me alive G-man!" is another. Very cool overall- Does this mean I can finally shoot a match with a lit cigar? ;-)

  15. Brigid heck...I'd change my leave date to come see Tam done up like Lillian Gish or Louise Brooks.


  16. Louise Brooks: "The Girl In The Patent-Leather Helmet"

    Great bangs.

    WV: drags

  17. See you at the National Matches on Vintage Rifle day. Bring the Swede. 30 shots, 200 yards, standing, prone slow and prone rapid. I think I have Breda and Mike hooked up as well.

  18. I knew Lil Gish (well, just met her, actually). Lil Gish was a friend of mine. Take it from there.

    I didn't know until I watched this that you could shoot a Thompson "like a girl."

    But naa, I ain't a goin' unless
    (1) I get to write 'Dick Tracy' in .45ACP
    (2) Someone brings a knife to a gunfight, and
    (3) There's a boffo Melvin Purvis finish with B & C actually in the car. Or Dillinger, um, "up the alley."

    Any of these carved out of soap?

  19. Me and the boys want to come as Eliot Ness and his squad of Untouchables, circa Robert Stack.

    Or circa Kevin Costner if we can get a really good Sean Connery impression rolling.

  20. I can imagine Roberta X, and perhaps Breda, in the flapper dress. I just can't imagine Tam as a flapper. Despite her allowing us to see her Girly Girl side, I'm having trouble seeing Brigid wearing that dress.

    Pity, redheads in black and green sequins! The thought could make a boy into a man.
    ...or is it the other way around.

    Y'all KNOW my favorite Star Trek episode....
    "A Piece of the Action"


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