Saturday, January 03, 2009

Must not be the gun laws...

Indianapolis and Chicago are about as far apart as Nashville and Knoxville. Chicago, by far the larger of the two, is surrounded by a state with some of the most miserable gun laws in the nation (for any liberals that clicked here by accident, that means you'd think Illinois' gun laws are awesome and should be copied by everybody.) Indy, on the other hand, is in a state with some of the loosest.

Chicago goes its state laws one better by having a total handgun ban and onerous long gun requirements. Thanks to Hoosier state preemption laws, Indy's gun laws are the same as those in any sleepy farming crossroads in the most bucolic corner of the state.

Care to guess which has the higher murder rate?


  1. Tam.... you are beating a padded drum in a forest of wind chimes.

    Gun laws are NOT about crime. They never have been. It's time to be very clear on that. Restrictions on the peoples right to be armed have nothing to do with crime, and everything to do with control.

    Take a look at another little statistic... not murder rates.... but political corruption rates. Compare those numbers with gun control laws... and it all gets a little more obvious. Hands down, flat out, no argument in sight, the jurisdictions with the harshest limits on personal rights also have the highest rates of political corruption by government officials.

    Government officials who plan on breaking laws, or on raping the public bank accounts, do so in fear of public uprising. They have nothing else to fear, as political power has emasculated the judicial system over the last hundred years.
    No armed citizenry equals no need to fear public discontent.

    Look to the roots of 'gun control' in this nation... it was all about racism and controlling the ability of blacks and immigrants to strike back at injustice. It still is, only the target field has widened.

  2. The peasants are always revolting. It's just that in our case, as an exception to normal world history, the peasants managed to hang onto both the armament and the political power to keep it so.

    THAT is very unsatisfactory State of Affairs for Those Who Would Rule Everything.

    J t R

  3. And here's where I have my make my grand apology.

    I hereby apologize for all the nasty things I ever said about Indiana. Having grown up on the west side of the Illinois state line (by about 6 miles), I should have known better.

    Mea culpa.

  4. Carteach0 is pretty much right. It is about corruption rates. And the crime that goes with it.

    While the numbers vary some few percent, for a first estimate the victim and their killer will be either competitors in, or partners in, some criminal enterprise in 73% of reported homicides.

    16% of homicide victims will be killed during the course of some other criminal activity.

    8% of killings are a result of domestic violence.

    Indy had what, 116 reported homicides? That comes to about 84 partner/competitor in crime killings, 20 killings in the course of some other crime, and 10 domestic violence cases.

    Plus or minus 3% to a 90% certainty, 5% to a 98% certainty. Certainly close enough for government work.

    So obviously, crime related homicides comprise the overwhelming majority of all homicides. Even a high percentage of domestic violence cases are related to criminal activity in one way or another.

    If there were no crime, the homicide rate would drop - probably to below 5 homicides per million population in most jurisdictions. (A rate of 0.5 per 100,000)

    And the people responsible for keeping crime in check are the politicians. Corrupt politicians with their pockets stuffed with crime syndicate money.

    But before I say adios, Tam, it is also well to remember that many jurisdictions have a nasty habit of substantially underreporting homicides.
    At one time during the John V. Lindsay mayorality NYC reported just 425 homicides, while the true number was above 1,600. So take all crime numbers you have not totalled yourself with a few gondolas of sodium chloride.

    Pete Allen

  5. Not everyone in Illinois cares for Chicago's take on gun laws. A lot of us are trying to get laws changed, we're just fighting a disgusting political machine that makes it difficult.
    And one city's murder rate doesn't reflect the whole state's crime rate. I'm sure you don't want Indiana represented by Gary...

  6. Gary is part of Indiana now?


    Shootin' Buddy


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