Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How to look like an impulsive twit for the rest of your life:

"Yeah, yeah, buddy, I want the inaugural special tattoo! Just put it right there on my shoulder, between the little 'Pac-Man' dude and my first ex-wife's name."

As long as they let me buy and sell without getting one, I guess we're cool.


  1. We need more chlorine in the gene pool...

  2. Ain't enough chlorine in the world to solve our problems...

  3. Could they please put them on their foreheads so I know from a distance not to date them?

  4. I think this is one bit of skin art I'll skip, freebie or no.

    Hell, I would even if I were a Democrat. People were damn near as excited about Carter for a lot of the same reasons and look how THAT turned out.

  5. This goes beyond children should be seen no heard, they shouldn't be seen either.

  6. for a laugh check out http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/2009/01/presidential-sweet.html

  7. Somebody in one of my classes mentioned Obama tattoos today. Somebody else responded with, "That's cool."

    Oh. And I'm not in seventh grade. I'm a college senior. Surrounded by hopey-changey seventh graders masquerading as legal adults.

    Things like this are why I complain about having to go to school for another year.

  8. What's the odds they'll be taking a belt sander to those tattoos once they discover that their Santa has no free hopey changey gifts from the gubmint for them a year from now?

  9. With that in mind we have one REAL way of knowing who not to trust when the lead starts to fly. Hopefully they put them in places that can be seen through a scope. LOL


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