Monday, January 19, 2009

This is gonna be a great week.

Today, the battery in my car dies.

Tomorrow is The Ascension.

Saturday caps it off by me getting older.

Bleh. One long week of suck.


  1. The older thing happens every day.

    And as for the Ascension, what goes up, inevitably must come down.

  2. So, about the BD. You'll be what, 28 or 29?

  3. I feel your pain.
    Friday = dead Xterra
    Tomorrow = Coronation of the Obamessiah
    Thursday = I turn 30

  4. Tam, at least it looks good on you.

  5. This is getting creepy.

    Last night the Explorer's alternator suddenly died, leaving me stranded.

    "Once is bad luck. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action..."

  6. I'll be hoisting my glass in your direction - a toast to my friend Tam. It can't be all that bad, as long as there's beer.

  7. Eat the mushroom turnovers. . you'll feel better. Bloated. . but better.

  8. Need the brakes done on the car but I don't have a garage to stay warm in + safety inspection due - this month.

    The Obamamessiah comes down tomorrow.

    I turned 46 this past Friday.

    Yes, there is still good beer available to make it go by alittle better. I hope your birthday goes well. Heck, go see " Gran Torino " on that day if you want to be entertained!

    Joe r>

  9. Last Thursday, dead battery.

    Last Friday no heat in the house.

    Today, a day whose honoree would be wondering why all those little children aren't in school.

    Tomorrow; well, tomorrow. :(

    But Blogmeet next Sunday from what I understand. So there's some good.

  10. I'll be turning 57 on the same day as the Coronation of the Chosen One; a double whammie.

  11. The one thing positive about having another BD is the alternative. :-(

    When it's my turn to go, I'll be fighting every step of the way. I've too many things to do before going to the other side.

  12. What do you need with Youth when you've got all of us??

    (March in place for a couple of years, backtrack a little, who's gonna know?)

  13. Ah, Tam, any week when you are still around getting snarky, older and passing on your finer points on weapons, is another great week for many of the forsaken and forgotten. Imagine, while they posted a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown, listened to Rock and R & B, I went to church, watched football, ironed and cleaned my pistols - they all just don't know what needs done first.

    But do use your remaining years wisely, they go so quick.

  14. I feel your pain. Thursday night when I left work, my battery was flat dead. Friday morning, both vans were dead, so I stayed home from work while they charged. To cap it off, it sounds like the daily driver van needs a new CV joint.

  15. Tam,
    We share the same birthday! Too bad I gave up drinking. I could use one, what with turning 44 and the Ascension...
    Jake at jakeblade9 + at+ yahoo

  16. Upon reflection, learning that Washington, DC is the Hellmouth shouldn't have been a tremendous surprise.

  17. I feel your pain. I got baby girl to the day care this morning just in time for her to get choked up while coughing and barf one hour old formula all over me.

    Then I got to go home, take a ho bath, get a new shirt, and get to work. Sigh.

  18. dead battery...small suck.

    1/20/09...big suck.

    1/24/ suck at all.

    1/24/18?...sucksucksuck...the big five-o...can't see, can't pee.

    happy b-day tam; maybe somebody'll buy you breakfast, or a 6-pack, or a box o' shooty pellets.


  19. Ditto Crusis in re Saturday. Consider the option. Who was the Frog who said "The only option is suicide"?

    Meaning, if I remember the teacher correctly, not that we should all suck on a pistol.

    Rather, that we should either get in to the game with both hands, feet, and teeth, and squeeze out every bit of good, or bail. Anything in between is equivocation.
    Wishing you strong teeth for many years to come.

  20. You see? It might not be your battery. It might be your $300 alternator.

    Cheer up already.

  21. So it would be wrong to say Happy Birthday?

  22. May the cities in your wake burn like candles on your cake...

    Mine is this month as well. April weather and all that, I guess.

  23. This was passed on to me a few days ago. Maybe it will cheer you up.

  24. Sea Bacon! This is great! God I love it. And written in the same golly-gee, chipper way the Sea Kitten page was written. And the graphics? Perfect.

    Tam, remember, the older you get, the older old gets.

  25. Maybe some good looking guy who is a snazzy dresser and outstanding dancer will take you to a dead cow dinner and then to a flick featuring dead Nazis and machine guns for your birthday?

    Now that you have Barack, you can always HOPE for that.

    Shootin' Buddy

  26. At least you'll get to celebrate getting older.....hopefully with a range trip.

  27. Getting older isn't all bad. Now you will be able to vote!

    Happy Birthday!

  28. "Maybe some good looking guy who is a snazzy dresser and outstanding dancer will take you to a dead cow dinner and then to a flick..."

    and then maybe he can help you redecorate r. cottage! ;)

    just jokin' s.b...ya'll have fun.


  29. And it's cold. January is a cruel month to birthday kids, like being Children of the Corn or something...

  30. Tam, I got boots older'n you.
    Both batts in the F-250 tanked [$250].
    Boss say's no work till the Governator passes a budget.
    The Kimber has shot out the recoil spring.
    Every Midway component page is "backordered".
    S'posed to rain, making the range uninhabitable.
    Yea, nice week! are going to have a HB and shooting buddy will find a piece of bovine an' meybe a glass or two.

  31. Skipelec has a good point. I have a Marine corp uniform belt which I wear every day, an M65 field jacket, and several Marine Corp uniform shirts that are all older than you. They were my dad's.

    And Shootin' Buddy's a lucky fella'.

  32. Happy birthday to you.
    I'll be 62 on Saturday.
    When I was your age, dirt hadn't been invented yet. We had to bash the lava rocks together and mix them with water and.....oh look! A beer!

    Password: Foodgin. An omen!

  33. Happy birthday! I'll take the risk of saying that on account of being quite entirely out of range of anything in even your arsen..collection. :P


  34. Last Friday turned 96 - or was it 66? Was "Remember the Maine!" before or after I came along? Getting too darned old to know.
    Sunday, after more than a week of under 20 degree weather, one of the support poles for the main beam in the garage fell down. Figure the metal pole and the wood beam finally shrank enough to separate. Didn't help that the fomer owners never fastened the support to the beam. And Son and Heir's Uberti Remington "break-top" is 10 weeks and still waiting. Weathers too cold and snow's covering the range, anyway.
    So, now you might be older than 29. Our best regards for your birthday.
    OldeForce - and Son and Heir

  35. Hey, I'll be 49 for another eight months. Enjoy your birthday: you're above dirt, radiation levels are nominal and you write damned well.

    Thanks for another year of good stuff, Tam.

    Word verification = neste; that means stay at home (and have some beef, any cut you like).

  36. Tam:

    I've found that when I start a birthday with two plates of bacon, it's all good. Keep up with all the snarky goodness!

    Rich in Ohio:

    Giles *said* there was another Hellmouth in Cleveland, but I think he missed the one in Chicago, and while Buffy was on vacation, the First arose and is about to become Pres.

    Where's the Slayer when you really need her?


  37. DirtCrashr said...
    "January is a cruel month to birthday kids, ..."

    N-no, cruel is being a kid whose birthday is plus / minus 6 days of Christmas.

  38. Just recently discovered your place. Fun reading. Notice your an 1911 carrier. Congratulations on the celebration of a new year as a free woman.


  39. Well, there is always a silver lining.
    How cool is it that as I'm sitting here watching TV waiting for The Obamamessiah to walk across the reflecting pool and ascend into the heavens, I get an email telling me the CMP just shipped me an evil M1 carbine?

  40. If I may offer a bit of advice about car batteries in sub arctic climates. If it seems dead, and has the old filler caps, look at the acid in the cells. If one or two have ice in them, it's on it's last legs. If they all have ice, it's badly discharged and you likely have alternator problems. In any case, put the battery in a wash tub or bath tub and run the hot water until it's a 1/4" from the top. Have a cup of coffee. Install the battery and in 9 times out of 10, you'll go.

    Bad diodes are the cause of most alternator problems. An honest shop will replace them for a lot less than the price of a new alternator. You just have to find that shop.

  41. Ayup. I know how you're feeling. Today sucks. I was woken from sleep by the sound of someone involving my Suburban in an inelastic collision out front of the house. It's probably a total loss.

    And then, of course, shortly after that, President Brak was sworn in. I'm actually a bit nervous about the second half of the day...

  42. Damn, if my wife didn't say the same thing this week.


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