Tuesday, January 06, 2009

No big surprise there...

This is the second place from which I've heard this piece of scuttlebutt.

A word to the wise is sufficient.



    Which is what every supposedly "pro-gun" supporter of Obama has said...idiots.

  2. Yeah, time to start queueing up a few purchases.

  3. I don't get the "go out and buy stuff" response.

    Where do you get the idea you're going to get to keep any of that?

    Wouldn't it be better to put that money in to your favorite RKBA lobbying group?

  4. Where do YOU get the idea we're all going to give it up?

  5. Bloody great timing--I'm having surgery (yes, again) next month, so I don't have the $$ to stock up. Maybe I can grab some ammo before I get cut on.

  6. BillH, sure, I know if a ban with confiscation gets passed there will be a sudden run on large diameter PVC pipe and a huge rash of tragic boating accidents.

    Wouldn't it be a good idea to try to lobby against such a ban, rather than having to come up with ways to work around it? Or maybe, at least, in addition to?

  7. alath has a good point. However, TAO will be in his "honeymoon" and IF he decides to make a new AWB a centerpiece of his "First Hundred Days", it isn't likely that the GOP will be able to stop him. Indeed, I think that it's MORE likely that many RINO's (lead by McCain) will "reach out to try to work in a bipartisan manner" in order to score brownie points with the MSM and the democrat (spit) congressional leadership.

  8. Alath: No PVC will be purchased here.

    A buried rifle is a useless rifle.

  9. Yup.

    If it's time to bury them, then it's time to dig them up...

  10. Here's a suggestion, folks: On your way out to the gun store, stop off and call your Senators and your state's Representatives (yes, even the Donks) and remind them of what happened to a whole bunch of incumbents the LAST time an AWB got passed. You also might remind them that the NRA typically out-fundraises and out-votes the Bradys by a 9- to 11- to one margin.
    Don't use asinine threats; just be polite and stimulate them to remember- NOW, ahead of time- where their self-interest lies.

  11. Hey Tam, I heard that Obama is anti-gun.

    confirm / deny ?

    (I guess this comes as a surprise to Scott Isaacs fans.)

    WV = "nerfe"--that was the original spelling when the product hit store shelves in the late 18th Century.

  12. Anybody who wants to jump in opposition to Eric Holder's nomination as FBI boss/BATFE boss/Attorney General had better get busy.

    Confirmation hearing is scheduled for 1/15.

  13. Things are going to get very interesting very soon.
    Any one who thinks that Power will accept phony accounts of lost or stolen fire arms is seriously deluded. I predict guilty until innocent tactics with no appeal.
    Do they respect the constitution now or law ever?
    Off to the Gulag!

  14. I wouldn't be expecting that favorite sweaty-palmed fantasy of internet gun fora, the Great Door To Door Confiscation, which people get all masturbatory about because it means they won't have to go to work or pay the mortgage. (...and face it, every desk-bound accountant fantasizes about being Mel Gibson in The Patriot.)

    Plan on a repeat of '94, sans sunset clause.

  15. Frankly, I don't think it'll happen, but if it does, it'll be prompted by the Pentagon (who appears to be planning for it).

  16. The Pentagon has had contingency plans for everything from internal tax revolts to an invasion of Canada for decades.

    Bizarre contingency plans are what General Staffs do.

    My favorite is the USN's old War Plan Red scenario.

  17. Yeah, well.....how does that jibe with them presently using troops to "assist" cops at California traffic stops, or the creation of a new domestic division intended to "lend a hand" in the case of economic turmoil?

    Fight the power, right?


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