Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Today In History: Freedom from what?

On this date in 1941, FDR made his "Four Freedoms" speech, claiming that folks everywhere had the right to
1. Freedom of speech and expression
2. Freedom of religion
3. Freedom from want
4. Freedom from fear
...which means he was batting about .500.

I want a gold house and a rocket car, and I'm a'feared of zombies.


  1. I'm afraid of losing my guns.

    Integrate that one, Frankie...

  2. I want a gold house and a rocket car, and I'm a'feared of zombies.

    But you voted for McCain anyway, didn't you? And here you are, with no gold house, and God knows what zombies lurking nearby, and you've got nobody to blame but yourself.

  3. I bet FDR really wanted to Walk....so how does that work?

  4. "...which means he was batting about .500."

    You're being too kind to him. I give him about .200. It was rhetoric, though, and one must suppose that his list was not exclusive.

    This stuff is why I roll my eyes when we judge a President by his speeches. For pity's sake, one of the greatest speakers and emoters ever to hold the office was [Slick] William Jefferson Clinton. I don't care if our next president has Tourette's syndrome, a Mel Tillis stutter, and flings feces from the podium at press conferences-- if he can veto screwy legislation, protect his citizen's rights, and implement his powers of government as narrowly interpretted by the U.S. Constitution, he'll be the greatest genius ever to flush the toilet on Airforce One.

  5. You get a candidate who will fling feces at the press and I'll not only vote for him, I'll donate to his campaign, canvas the neighborhood and man the phones.

    Tam, FDR was right. You have freedom from want. You have the freedom to not want that gold house and rocket car. The fact that you do want them just shows how screwed up you are. :o)

    Now the zombies, you have the freedom to not be afraid of them. And you shouldn't fear them. Have you ever seen a zombie carrying a gun? Of course not! Zombies are all liberals. When alive they just wanted to control the way you think, now they want to eat your brains. Remember, you are better armed than they are. Just think of them as moving targets for practicing your shoot-reload-shoot skills.

    In the words of the great Bob Hope when being told that "a zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes walking around blindly with dead eyes, following orders, not knowing what they do, not caring."

    "You mean like Democrats?"

  6. "and I'm a'feared of zombies"

    Bullhockey. I've met Tam, and I can uneqivocally say, the only thing she's afeard of is an ammunition shortage.

    captcha; Riallids. A class of medications intended to cancel Reality Checks.

  7. Hey, zombies make me scared. When I'm scared, it makes me nervous. When I get nervous, I panic. When I'm panicking, I tend to spray bullets in all directions...

  8. If I ever found out I had some fatal disease, I'd want a SLAM with a cockpit in it instead of the guidance package.

  9. Ken, you want a SLAM with a ride along seat. Leave the targeting to the guidance package...

  10. Best seat in the house... :D

  11. I want several S&W 325s, as well as a boxcar full of other guns, ammo and mags. I demand that every single member of the Roosevelt family send me a check for 10K to free me from this want.

    Shootin' Buddy, free at last, free at last!

  12. All right, you convinced me. Maybe I can shoehorn a Brewmeister in there too.

  13. Eleanor was known by the Secret Service to be one of the best female shots in the country. She carried an S&W M&P.

    So there was a freedom.

    Notice how that one could provide the other four? Just like with amendments!

    Under FDR, you could smoke and drink. And [for the first 2 years] own a full-automatic. And a joint. Now let's just think about that.

  14. I want one one of these with a cockpit, dammit.

    Flying car my ass.


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