Monday, January 26, 2009

Pelosi's Stimulus Plan: Stop the poor from breeding.

Nancy Pelosi is obviously secretly on my side:
STEPHANOPOULOS: Hundreds of millions of dollars to expand family planning services. How is that stimulus?

PELOSI: Well, the family planning services reduce cost. They reduce cost. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children's health, education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs. One of those - one of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception, will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.
Though broadly similar in its end result, this is obviously more humanitarian-sounding (and, incidentally, a lot more expensive) than my "Let The Poor Irresponsible F____ers Starve If They Don't Stop Making Babies" plan.

It is unknown whether she intends to distribute cake along with the Ortho-Novum. Also, no word as to the DNC's response to Pelosi's plan to cut down their future voting base before it's born...


  1. I think I just heard Margaret Sanger cackle all the way from hell...

  2. You'd think they'd finally get that thing about cutting their voter base in the next generation, wouldn't you?

  3. I'll even back the crazed biddy on that one, if she makes it mandatory for all welfare recipients.

  4. Nancy, I'd like to hear that in the original German please.

    Shootin' Buddy

  5. Granny Rictus McBotox has stepped in it again, from Harthein--in-CA.

  6. "Also, no word as to the DNC's response to Pelosi's plan to cut down their future voting base before it's born... "

    I'm strangely ok with that..

  7. Wha? No mandatory sterilization if your IQ isn't a certain grade? Why not? Oh that's the next step. my bad.

  8. Don't forget about sterilization if you're the wrong color. Sanger liked that idea also.

    The Radio said there are more black people dead from abortions than currently living. It looks like eugenics is working, but it's self-imposed. What a shame on our country.

  9. "...cut down their future voting base..."

    That's not going to be a problem.
    The Libs are 'importing' that very base even as we speak!

  10. I've said for years that an open offer needs to be made to every breeding age woman in the US. I'd like to see them given (by the Feds) $ 1,000 tax free if they'll choose to have Norplant or equivalent implanted. Frankly, it'd be a lot cheaper than all the teen pregnancies and their consequences.

    In my opinion, any woman willing to forgo breeding for a kilo-buck a year shouldn't be a mother.

    I know, the Vatican would have a fit. So what?

    Best of all, it is completely voluntary.

  11. Anonymous--

    Pretty good plan, but you left out the best part-- the "Abstinence Only" crowd would have an absolute fecal hemorrhage.

  12. Population growth is only a drag on the economy if none of these offspring ever grows up and produces something.

    Sure, they drive up costs if they depend on the .gov for everything.

    If they actually produce and contribute, then they are a net plus to the system.

    'Course, the idea of producing and contributing is utterly alien to The Pelosi and its ilk.

  13. I always enjoy a rousing round of "Imagine a Conservative Said It."

  14. Alath,

    Although it's not completely outside the realm of probability, I make a habit of not drawing to inside straights...

  15. Well, if all the welfare bums had something to do beside f*cking (like, say, work) we wouldn't have either problem.


  16. "The Radio said there are more black people dead from abortions than currently living. It looks like eugenics is working, but it's self-imposed. What a shame on our country."


    The birth control movement is the baby (no pun intended) of the eugenics movement. Birth control was started to stop the spread of "mongrel races." The real story of all this stuff can be found in G.K. Chesterton's "Eugenics and other Evils." It details the barbarity of the early days in which the Eugenics movements advocated birth control, abortion, and forced sterilizations for Jews, blacks, and anyone else that didn't fit their mold. Truly revealing stuff- enjoy!

  17. Medicaid covers a certain number of prescriptions a month, but birth control isn't included in that limit. Meaning, Medicaid will pay for the birth control and the person on Medicaid didn't have to use one of those, "You're only allowed this many a month," slots for it. Planned Parenthood will give out condoms for free to anyone who walks in. If someone is living on welfare and having a kid every few years, it's not because they couldn't afford contraceptives.

  18. We get what we are paying for.

    I've always been a backer of rewards for no babies. If I had Soros' money, I'd pick a city and offer (say) $3850 for a tubal ligation to any resident woman on public assistance. Then see how things in seven years.

  19. Oh, this is making my brain hurt.

    Isn't the source of all evil the money that Rich White Men (and I guess Nancy Pelosi?) have? But - then all the good people must be not-rich, and not-white.

    So is Pelosi's proposal to stop poor people from breeding blatant class discrimination? Or is it racist?

    Or both? Is this Nancy Pelosi's way of stating that she doesn't want so many non-white, non-rich, non-men living near her?

    Somehow the government just feels, I don't know, rude. Rude? Yeah, I think that is the word I want.

    At least Jimmy Carter blundered out of good will. The only thing I see holding Congress and Obama back from spending trillions right now, is I think they still haven't figured out how to get all that money into their friend's pockets, while making voters think that Congress got them money, and please vote Democrat because we got you money.

  20. Until they stop paying the, Welfare Brood Sows more $$$ for each little Screw Trophy they produce, this idea is going nowhere.

    Quote from pregnant 19 y/o mother of 3 when asked by ER Doc - "What do you do for a living?"

    19 y/o Brood Sow - "I make babies."

  21. It'll probably backfire anyway. Even if you managed to temporarily sterilize welfare recipients (can we do it to Corporate Banking CEOs, too?) there'd likely be a massive spike in the incidence of STDs that'd cost public health even more money.

  22. Kelly,
    In addition to the options you mentioned, Title X funded contraception is widely available. This is generally on a sliding scale. Anyone who is a student or on welfare will get the contraception of their choice free or very close to free. (Free to them, of course: not free to the taxpayer. Though probably cheaper than the alternative).

    I'm not betting on them being productive either.
    It is just interesting to see that The Pelosi considers government dependency to be the default state of affairs - and that she apparently does not feel any need whatsoever to conceal this world view.


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