Monday, January 26, 2009

Ya gotta hand it to him...

...the man's sheer chutzpah is mind-boggling. I mean, he looked right into his interviewer's eyes, and with a completely straight face said
"I thought about Mandela, Dr. King and Gandhi and tried to put some perspective to all this..."
...and failed miserably, it looks like, Blago. See in those guys' stories, generally the corrupt government officials were the bad guys, not the poor-poor-pitiful-me self-styled heroes.

I guess it makes a certain twisted sense. I mean, if you're standing there with the hilt of the knife in your hand and the other end still stuck in the still-twitching victim, your only real choices are to start crying and throw yourself on the mercy of the court, or look your accusers in the eye as poker-faced as you can, and start lying.


  1. Blago is like the kid who kills his parents, and then asks the court for mercy because he's an orphan.

  2. Even funnier are his claims that this is a bipartisan conspiracy. That's right. Republicans and Democrats are working together to destroy this paragon of virtue.

  3. You know it's bad when your defense counsel quits BEFORE the trial starts.

  4. Heh. The only thing left is to compare himself to Jesus. "Forgive the state assembly and the federal prosecutor. They know not what they do!"

    Er, except for the part about hearing me demand sufficient tribute before naming a new senator.

  5. I blame it on his evil hairpiece. It's obviously an evil alien device implanted on a charismatic secular saint in order to achieve a one party system. Oh, wait!! They already have that in Chicago.

    J t R

  6. Will no one rid me of this troublesome politician?

  7. Actually Blago is going for the 3rd and best option - act like a complete, raving loon and then throw out the insanity defense.

  8. Who you gonna' believe? Me or your lyin' eyes.

  9. I read your first two sentences and the quote and thought your were talking about BO. still works.

  10. Actually, I can get behind the similarities to Dr. King.
    I could hardly believe my eyes when the Daily Fish Wrapper (AKA Hartford Courant) had a front page article about how "Dr." King's daddy paid someone else to take all his exams.
    This from a seriously left wing paper. No doubt a momentary brain fart on the part of a substitute editor.
    Add in several hundred floozies while the good minister was preaching marital bliss and responsibility.
    Plus his starting up the Memphis garbage strike again after it's peaceable conclusion, entirely for personal aggrandizement, resulting in several deaths.
    Also graft on a massive scale. Yup, I think the good Doctor would have fit in quite nicely in Cooke County Illinois.
    Come to think of it, Gandhi sent large numbers of Indian volunteers to serve in the Japanese army, and I doubt Mr. Mandela was as innocent of his wife Winnie's atrocities as he claimed. Would it be more cost effective if we set up an assembly line for all those feet of clay?

  11. I had to blow up that orphanage ... you saw it ... it attacked me!

  12. I swear, I met someone who sounded just like him when I was working at the State Hospital in Rusk...


  13. Tam,

    As an IL state employee I want to thank you for the excellent snark that I have come to know, love, and expect from your blog.

    Now I'm afraid that Blago's whirlwind media tour today might energize all of the brain dead idiots who did vote for him to pressure our good state senators to leave him in office. At least that's what I think he's counting on.

    Aside from the corruption charges he's already overreached his constitutional authority enough times that he should have been impeached long ago.

    We can only cross our fingers and hope the Illinois State Senate sends him packing.

    And to avoid certain retribution if he manages to beat this, I'll remain anonymous.


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