Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Posting has been thin...

...because I've been completely engrossed in Oh John Ringo No's totally badass book, The Last Centurion.

Book report to follow.

(I'll say this much already: As soon as it's on the shelves in paperback, I'm going to start buying copies to give away.)


  1. Clearly a book I'll have to go get now.

  2. Every time someone reads this book, Al Gore gets an unexplained queasy feeling and millions of Better World for the Masses True Believers feel a shadow pass over their table at Starbucks.

    J t R

  3. I've heard nothing but good things.

  4. After she bought it on her birthday, she carried it around all day Saturday and Sunday. ;-)

    I could only make her put it down by distracting her with dead cow and Daniel Craig.

    Shootin' Buddy

    Password thingy: "hater" *snicker*

  5. I have an autographed copy. Nyah, nyah!!!

  6. I *knew* you'd like it ... it's awesome.

  7. I forgot that it's out. I'll have to pick one up. Thanks for the reminder.

    WV: slagin. That's what I feel like doing today.

  8. Oh My, Yes. Fantastic book.

    Checked it out from the library but as soon as the Seattle weather sorts itself out, I'm gonna ride on up to the dead-tree book store and buy a hardcover.

    Ain't gonna sit on the bookshelf, oh no. Gonna sit that MoFo on the MANTLE.

    WV: revera *You betcha*

  9. I read this book a couple of weeks ago, and I really enjoyed it.

  10. Broke down and bought the hardback because standing by the bookshelf in B&N and reading it was getting a little embarassing.

  11. Don't forget you can buy it e-booked now...:


  12. I just ripped through the e-book. Oh John Ringo No, indeed, but in a good way. Will be reviewing on my webspace shortly

  13. I wish I could give copies to left-wingers, just to watch their heads explode while reading it.

    Word Verification: fistist

    A person who...never mind.

  14. Go read the reviews on Amazon. That's the functional equivalent of a liberal's head exploding. Excellent book, a little preachy but that's OK because Ringo's RIGHT.

    And if you want a laugh go read about the two men and an iguana at www.johnringo.com

  15. The book is also available as a free download via sites that host the Baen CDs, like baencdthefifthimperium.com.

  16. Pray there is no truth-in-forecast. It is still a God-awful possibility (see China's admission of 6 bird-flu deaths) and our present political structure...


  17. The is news floating around the internet that the RIFs have a problem with their bio-war research site in North Africa. Seems that some bugs escaped and infected the camp. Casualties are reported high.

    Might not be bird-flu from China.

    I bought the book when it first came out. Could be very prophetic.

  18. Very good read. Worth reading for the Tribal vs. Trust culture rant by itself.

    A page turner from the man who published the "Option Zero" internet rant.

  19. My review on Amazon:

    POP!! ...the sound of a liberal's head exploding.

    If you're left-bent be careful reading this book, it may cause uncomfortable reactions in your brain.

    Potentially the "Starship Troopers" of our generation.

    Go get 'em JR.

  20. Read it a month ago, and I'm still stunned by the double-barrel blast of common sense. You'll either love it or hate it (Amazon's customer reviews show this too), but here 'rount Tam's place, well, if you're here, you'll be in the former category.

  21. I just finished the local library's copy. I'm embarrased to admit that I only gave the cover a quick glance (not noticing the Raybans) and assumed the book was John's attempt to horn in on the David Drake/Harry Turtledove historical fiction segment. I'm glad I looked closer.

    Question to others: What is a "RIF" in the context of arabs? I'm assuming it stands for radical islamic fundamentalist but I'm secretly hoping for something more colorful.

  22. Ok, maybe he is psychic. But he got the president's sex wrong.

    Word verification 'pumic'
    is that a series of wars in an alternate universe?

  23. RIF, indegines from the rif mountains, gave the FFL some fun.


  24. "As soon as it's on the shelves in paperback, I'm going to start buying copies to give away"

    Or just give subscriptions to an honest newspaper.
    Wait, what am I saying?

  25. I don't buy fiction, I borrow it from the library.

    This one I bought.

  26. At PDB's urging I bought and read the ARC. Bought the hardback, now re-reading the hardback. Growing up ranching, with corporate farming, spending X years working with the military in the OIF/OEF, understanding physics, solar dynamics, and al-gore-the-global-messiah. Dayam, fuck, hell-yeah is that a good book.

    Book of the year for me.

  27. Byron loaned me a copy last month.


  28. RIF: Both a Berber extraction tribe of the Algerian/Moroccan Atlas mountains and Radical Islamic Fundamentalist (which the Rif's are.)

    See also 'The Wind and the Lion' where Sean Connery plays a very good Rif.


    PS: Thanks for the good words.


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