Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Warning: Zombies Ahead.

Level 4 zombie outbreak in Austin, TX.

Good ole boys dispatched, but may not be able to contain.

Further news as it arrives.

(Via email; h/t to reader John.)


  1. Well, the zombies will have to wait. I just pulled walnut brownies out of the oven, and my best shotgun is at the cleaners.

  2. "...near the University of Texas."

    Well, this shouldn't be hard to solve.

    Flintlock Tom

  3. I may move to Texas.

    Can you imagine the PSH that would come from the .gov if someone did this on the east coast....

    WV: immusnas you ought to be able to do something with that

  4. Good thing I just finished up my home-defense shotgun... should work as well on undead humans as the still-animate ones.

  5. Hmm... I see this as political commentary, taking "ahead" in a temporal, rather than geographic sense.

    WV: mulecro (mule'-cro) n: what you use to pin the tail on the donkey nowadays.

  6. Zombies are indigenous to Austin when the Legislature is in session.

    In fact, it just started earlier this month.

    Nothing to see here, people. Move along.


  7. Well, at least they'll take care of Austin's hippie problem...

    Wait, zombies eat brains. Nevermind.

  8. If the Coming Zombie Apocalypse arrives ere my 7.62x39 upper is delivered and properly broken in I'm going to be a very unhappy mofo. I'm armed enough not to be a dead unhappy mofo, but that'd be small consolation.

  9. Messing with constuction signs is nothing new - some hackers did it a few years ago in Vegas, during a Defcon conference.

    Oh, and Make's blog has already given out the default password for the signs, and how to reset the sign to the default in case it's been changed.

  10. Just remember,

    There is always a good chance you can play Hollywood squares from a rooftop! ;-)

    God I love Dawn of the Dead! That and the Wild Geese always get me dry firing.

  11. Y'know, I think an AT-14 could handle this.

  12. Zombies must not be too smart if they choose Texas to start a awar. I'd recommend a place like California, but then the poor things might starve to death out there.

  13. If one were to RTFM one would see how easy these things are to "hack".

  14. Cool, now I have a use for all that nasty Brown/Silver Bear .308 I managed to accumulate. Austin's just down the road.

  15. We locked the fort down and loaded it up, but we couldn't find any zombies, only vegan hippies. We still put them out of their misery for being vegans.



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