Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Who didn't see this coming?

From whitehouse.gov:
Address Gun Violence in Cities: Obama and Biden would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent.
I'm going to buy more Magpul followers and ISMI AR mag springs. They're good for rehabilitating inexpensive GI mags. Also, AR extractor springs, gas rings, firing pins, FP retaining pins, and cam pins.

Also, I'm going to endeavor to make my guns as unchildproof as possible. I'm not certain how, exactly... Perhaps I'll store them in a five gallon bucket full of toxic household chemicals, have Chinese political prisoners paint them with lead-based paint, or keep them in a cage with a hungry Bengal tiger. I'm sure I'll think of something.


  1. Is this the change Barak is bringing to Washington? Making whitehouse.com the more respectable domain?

  2. Can we wall in the cities to make a clear line between them and the rest of us who believe "shall not be infringed" means exactly that?


    All you gunowners/2nd amendment "supporting" traitors who voted for Obama, this is the reality that you helped bring about. Thanks, you idiots.

  4. Old news. That's the text that was on his campaign website until they pulled it close to the election. Now it's back up on the whitehouse site? Figgers.

  5. No pretense of even covering up their lying bullshit anymore.

    Tiahrt ensures that ONLY law enforcement gets the data, and is not available to just anyone.

    I hope they all rot in Hell.

  6. "Who didn't see this coming?"

    I dunno. Morons? Was this a trick question?

    Captcha: "Nonsters" Nonsters didn't see it coming.

  7. My husband became a gun owner for the first time this week. (His gun in the Marine Corps doesn't count because it wasn't his... he had to give it back when they said so.) I explained the thing about Obama wanting to repeal the Tiarht Ammendment to him months ago, and he had a sort of, "That's messed up," reaction to it. I just explained it to him again, and he had a, "They want to do what??? And they get the authority from where??? And people are just going to let them???" reaction.

    Teaching people "guns are bad" doesn't just keep them disarmed. It keeps them disinterested. Gun issues look much different to him now that he's a gun owner.

  8. Sigh.

    Bad people with guns are criminals. Good people with guns are citizens.
    Stopping myself, a law abiding citizen, from owning firearms is not going to make a damn bit of difference in the crime rate.

  9. Significant and relevant legal read, via John Lott's site:


    John the Red,

    knowing that a mass civil march would mot make a dent in the Basalt Brains of the Ban-minds -- but thinking that a mere million and half folks really isn't ALL that many. ;~`)

  10. Amusingly enough, a friend of mine who is ... alas ... an Obama supporter, asked me to take him to the gun show this past Saturday before the inauguration. He bought himself a nice little Ruger P95. So yeah, even his own supporters don't believe him when he says he won't ban guns.

  11. He bought five or ten mags for it, too, right?

  12. Welcome to what is known in the UK as "bansturbation".

    Hope you have as much fun with it as we've had over the last 11 years.

  13. No pretense of even covering up their lying bullshit anymore.

    They don't have to keep up the pretense. Fifty-fucking-two percent of voters gave them the keys to the Big Boy Truck.

    I am less than optimistic about Chavez Lite.

  14. Nope, just the two that came with it. He's a nice guy, but that gun will not be shot a lot. It will go to the range occasionally, but I'm guessing you'll put more rounds downrange this month than he will in the next two years.

  15. I'm shocked!! Who would have thought BHo would be an anti? I though he was going to change, that's what we hoped! :)

  16. Where do you find these items you are trying to stock up on? Everywhere I go, all I see is "out of stock" and "no back orders"...

  17. Would someone please link to someplace with DPMS Ar-15 lower receiver parts kits available? I have all the offending parts (collapsible stock, pistol grip, the shoulder thing that goes up, bayonet lug, etc), so by BATF standards I am in possession of a few full Evil Black Rifles. But they are not currently shooty.

  18. Popguns in Indy has DPMS LRPK's, as well as stripped and completed lowers...

  19. I wonder if he's still going to push for a federal CCW ban. Those douchebags in Chicago and DC probably just want us as miserable and unsafe as they are.

    On another note, did anyone notice the time of this post? I see what you did there!

  20. Me thinks Indy is blessed with its local gun shops. Only GunStop here in Minneapolis keeps more than token EBRs and last I was there all they had was "out of stock" and "no back orders" for sale.


    It's only been four months and already I miss the days of MidwayUSA and everybody else actually having, you know, items for sale. Glad I got what I got when I did, but wanting to buy and not being able to is giving me weird jitters.

  21. I really need to get my CC and my first gun. I just can't decide WHICH gun I want. Maybe I should get both. :) *grin*


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