Tuesday, February 10, 2009

CNN would like to remind you over and over and over...

...that Sarah Palin hates poor sepia-toned people almost as much as George W. Bush hates poor black ones. But Barry loves frozen rednecks.


  1. Who knew...it sucks to live in the Arctic in the winter?

  2. Let 'em start shooting whales and polar bears again.

  3. But animal life is precious and sacred!

    (...except for bipedal hairless monkeys, of course, that species can't die off soon enough to make the greenies happy.)

  4. Wait, don't those people get big checks from the Alaskan government every year for their share of oil revenues or some damn thing?

    What do they do with all that money? Burn it?

    Bottom line, if you're stupid enough to live that far out in the frozen boondocks, you'd better expect to pay big bucks for store-bought necessities.

  5. Yeah, I can't say as I'm exceedingly sympathetic. Just like I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for people who choose to live below sea level or on a dinky little sandbar of an island in a hurricane zone. I mean, sure, it sucks, but no one made you live there.

    If they have commercial fishing boats, couldn't they just head South for the winter?

  6. The problem is understandable, in tht their main supply route froze up some two months early. That caused the need to airlift fuel, which jacks up the price a helluva lot.

    And two months early means two months less time to do preparations for winter. And that's unusual when Algore sez we're warming...

    It's how the laws are written that prevents Palin from taking any governmental action, so I fail to see how anything is her fault.

    Actually, BIA has more authority to help than anybody else, so who's down on sepia-toned folks?

    And, er, uh, what's the ethnicity of Palin's hubby? Hmmm?


  7. So maybe they could take two snowmobiles again if the eco-dicks would let them drill?

  8. Hey,

    Maybe Ashley Judd can hand them a check!

  9. She only cares about wolves. The people can go pound... er, snow, I guess.

  10. There's trees in the background of the pcture at the link. A family can chainsaw a month's worth of firewood in a day.

  11. My suggestion would be "Move to where the food is."

    If you live on a frozen, freaking tundra in the middle of nowhere and there is not enough game and vegetation to sustain human life, it's time to move or else develop a taste for "long pig".


    word verification : tastego

  12. Some tribes, by treaty or statute, can hunt whales. Usually only a few. This use to make the local news.

    Hunting is a big part of the native's diet. Hence the culling of wolves to keep the herds of moose and caribou thriving.

    The oil dividend has lately averaged about $1k per resident, per year. Nice, but barely enough to buy gas for a year in remote locations.

    WV: tomest -- as in, who's the most Tom?

  13. I want to know the backstory on this: what did the Inuits do to survive before the white man stopped them from doing it, and what law can be changed to let them do it again so they can prosper.

    I seldom feel sorry for an ethnic group, but the Indians can't buy a break. Most of the time, the benevolent patronizers (government and ngo alike) further the damage.

  14. mts1,

    It's really simple. Back when the villages existed because that's where the tribe settled, the elderly that could no longer hunt were supposed to go out on the ice and freeze themselves to death, and the mothers typically took their female children too young to walk back (mostly babies) a ways from the village, and left them to die.

    Now that we've enforced our Evil White Ways on them and brought most of them 'round to the concept of, y'know, not killing themselves or their kids for the survival of the tribe, times are tough, man.

    By the way, those Big Oil Dividends we get? Basic fact you may not be aware of: they are not Money We Grabbed From Oil Companies. The way mineral rights were set up in this state, the citizens do not have any mineral rights unless specifically staked out. Given the state owns our mineral rights in trust for private citizens, it charges the oil companies for the use of those mineral rights, deposits the money into an investment, and pays the residents of Alaska for the use of the mineral rights so stripped from us.

    Of course, if you want to pretend that somehow it's all coming from nowhere just for us and is made of megabucks just for existing, go join the left side of the line, with all the politicians who whine that the voters won't let 'em break down the HEFTY protections placed on that money specifically against future generations of politicians by our founders.

  15. There is no innocence among savages now that Quinn is dead.


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