Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Range time for nothin' and your ammo for free...

Breda, having worked fairly tirelessly to create new shooters over the past year or so, decided she was a little fed up with taking people who had voted for her to lose her gun rights to the shootin' range, and she said so on her blog. She would participate in no more range-time bailouts or ammunition stimulus packages for those who couldn't be bothered to do for themselves.

A couple of the type, reacting true to form, immediately threw themselves on the floor in her comments section and threatened to hold their breath until they turned blue. She was understandably less than amused.


  1. This was a gutsy decision and I support it wholeheartedly.

    Ideology has consequences. Supporting a politician who regards our way of life as a dangerous frivolity to be stamped out by any means isn't a friendly thing for a 'friend' to do.

    I've often felt twofaced about declining to discuss politics with my more collectively minded friends and family. It's a gutless avoidance of conflict that is downright Canadian. I wish I had a tenth of Breda's strength.

  2. It's a darned shame that liberals don't like her decision not to support their view by refusing to take them to the range and introduce them to safe, legal and fun firearm use. Obviously, the problem is Breda's - just another symptom of a closed, judgemental conservative world view.

    Only one good cogent response to that I can think of - sit on it and spin.

  3. Well,

    If it's on your dime you can make the rules. My general rule is to take people that are generally appreciative. One of the biggest problems I have with liberals is their tendency to believe that the world revolves around them. Cast not thy pearls before swine.......

  4. Yeah, Given that a day at the range with guests can run well over $100, and given that I have to save up ammo and targets for a couple months to make the trip worthwhile, I think it's only sensible to take people who can return the support at least politically.

  5. I still think there's an outside chance I could change a mind taking an Obama voter shooting, but the idea that anybody owes it to you is just bizarre, and probably a sign they can't be reached.

  6. OTOH, he's very generous to public libraries.


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