Friday, February 06, 2009

That pesky First Amendment!

Why, there oughtta be a law!
SENATOR DEBBIE STABENOW (D-MI): I think it’s absolutely time to pass a standard. Now, whether it’s called the Fairness Standard, whether it’s called something else — I absolutely think it’s time to be bringing accountability to the airwaves.
Not "...accountability to CNN." Not "...accountability to the NYT editorial page." Not "...accountability to Dan Rather's brain." Just to the airwaves. Probably just the AM band, actually. The right side of the dial, at least.


  1. I bet she would like to see some accountability on the blogs as well...

  2. I KNOW, I KNOW! I know which hand will get filled up first!

  3. They were saying on the EEEEEvil A.M. in the a.m. conservative radio talKKK show that her husband was the Exec VP of Air America.

    I'm sure there's no conflict of interest, though... After all, they wouldn't ever lie to further their agenda, would they? That's wat the ReThugs do, right??

  4. Cherchez l'argent et la piussance.

    They should have picked a different point woman.

    It's right there in the First Amendment, freedom of accountable speech, or of the accountable press.

    Actually that's a great phrase for the enemies of liberty to use, because it's so easily turned.

    "So, Senator, exactly what are the network news departments supposed to "account for"?

    To whom will they have to "account"?

    Did you think YOU should have had to account to one of President Bush's or the Republican Congress' appointees back in 2002?

  5. There's a bit of conflict of interest here.

    Stabenow's husband is an executive for failed Air America. Ya'know that failed leftist answer to Rush Limbaugh?

  6. I, on behalf of the State of Michigan, apologize for our State's part in foisting this Senator upon the Nation.

    (And the bad news is, she came in during the year 2000, and won again in 2006...which mean's we're stuck with her until 2012.)

  7. Why are we not talking about an insurrection?

    WV: mulabig

    Yes, it is, come to think of it.

  8. I think its absolutely time for the gummit to get the hell out of the business of interfering with peoples' lives, and do something useful, like manage international agreements and all that other stuff in the Constitution. Just a thought.


  9. theirritablearchitect,

    "Why are we not talking about an insurrection?"

    The truth? Billy Beck, John Galt, and '60s hippies had it right all along: "What if they had a government, and nobody came?"

    The only thing that gives it any power is the consensus hallucination that it has any. Take the red pill.

  10. Accountability is already coming to the the form of a liquidation. Tick tock, tick tock.

  11. Did anyone else read that name as "Stabmenow?" I think my subconcious is showing.

  12. She should start on the left-hand side of the dial. Some of the leftist statements make the National Enquirer look like the Wall Street Journal.

  13. 'The truth? Billy Beck, John Galt, and '60s hippies had it right all along: "What if they had a government, and nobody came?"'

    The strategy is all well and good, but noncompliance by the few of us whom have the correct moral underpinning aint gonna be enough of a wrench in the machine. That sit-in stuff only works when a critical mass is achieved, and, well...I'm looking around at the sheeple, and we don't have the numbers.

    Sorry, killing the bastards at the doorstep still looks to be the best route, so far.

    BTW, how many of those red pills do you have?

  14. Yes.

    See, the key word in my sentence was "nobody".

    "What if they had a government and a few people just didn't play along?" doesn't play out to the same ending, sadly.


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