Thursday, February 26, 2009

WTF, over?

Okay, this guy is like the tenth Limey stockbroker to hit my page by Googling "light rifles" this morning. Is there something going on over there we need to know about? The Great London Stock Exchange Revolt of 2009?


  1. It's about time.

    wv = "preconin;" Newspeak for remembering a forgotten hunch.

  2. Ruger (RGR nyse ~$9) may be the driver. It's rocketed on big volume since yesterday morning when it announced handsome earnings.

    HM .gov probably hasn't gotten around to outlawing possession of assault rifle stocks yet.

  3. It might be the same guy (or at least, fewer guys than it looks like) if he's/they're behind a proxy server.

  4. Maybe the Roundheads are getting ready for Round 2. The question is: Will the opponents be the government, "Asian youths," or both?

  5. Probably has been getting death threats and is in fear for his life, and since NuLabour hasn't yet confiscated all of their longarms just yet...

    I'd opt for something that would put lights out at some distance, yet retains some semblance of both mobility and firepower, in a bolt action. Steyr Scout rifle, maybe.

    Just a thought for you stiff-upper-lip types over there, on the other side of the pond.

  6. Three British soldiers from "1st Battalion The Rifles" were killed by a landmine earlier this week in Afghanistan. They were driving a crappy Land Rover that offers no protection.

    Could be what they are looking for.

  7. I made a blog post a while back about my first experience making my own ammunition. That post is has gotten more hits than most of my others combined, with the usual search term being "Homemade ammo" in Google.

    Want to guess how few of those page views are from countries that don't ban firearms?

    Needless to say, since it isn't a post about making improvised ammo, none of the page views are actually very long.

  8. I think it's Wilkins from Finance:

  9. Maybe they're after historical stuff, like the Light Company from those Bernard Cornwell books (Sharpe's Rifles, etc)

    Which, irrc, were Bakers.

  10. If it is about 1st Battalion The Rifles, then it's interesting to note that they are fighting other Brits in Afghanistan - British Muslims with Midlands and Yorkshire accents, home-grown jihadists who joined the Taliban so they can kill British soldiers.

  11. "Light rifles?" It must be a Star Wars convention.

  12. I've been getting hits from the UK on my "Brits want their guns back" posting.

    Wonder what is brewing over there.

  13. treefroggy, I assumed the same. It would be such a fundamentally British error. "Oh, light rifle, yes, I see, Jeeves."

    Jim, Ruger very well may be "the driver"--they make the head for the Big Bertha golf club...

  14. It could be because of this video...

    I'd wager nearly every stock broker saw this video...listen to the guy, but listen to the comments in the background.

    Things are heating up...

  15. "Light Rifles" to the Brits is like "Light Infantry" - and both are awesomely better than lite beer.

  16. anon: Ruger hasn't made golf club parts for a couple of years now and in fact last year they disposed of their titanium furnaces.

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  17. Light Rifles = Rangers.

    High quality light infantry.


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