Thursday, February 19, 2009

You'd think it would be harder to be a racist now...

...but apparently it's still real easy.

For example, if you were to insinuate that the "Porkulus" bill was so stupid that a chimp might be able to think up a better one, then you're obviously secretly calling the President a monkey, and are therefore a racist.

Or, if you were to object to veneration of the chOsen One on "Washington's Birthday (observed)"*, then you'd be a racist.

As an aside, I think calling it "Presidents' Day" is a dumb idea. Sure, it's easier to fit on a calendar or a sales flyer than "The Holiday Used To Give Government Workers A Monday Off In February", but the official name of the holiday is still "Washington's Birthday". Back when the average American IQ was still in the triple digits and you had to pass a history class to get out of the third grade, people understood that when someone said "Presidents' Day" (note the plural possessive location of the apostrophe) that they meant "Washington & Lincoln's Birthday". In these times of Who Wants To Marry A Survivor Idol Biggest Loser?, there seems to be some confusion amongst the monosynaptic, who think that it's "President's Day" and is set aside for adulation of Presidents in general or whatever showhorse won the most recent popularity contest specifically.

* This is the correct name for the holiday, BTW...


Diogenes said...

Hype 'em up on hope, then squash 'em like bugs on nope. Anyone else noticing a pattern? Maybe that's what Peterson should say to NAACP…..

"Lower your expectations, dude. He ain't that great."

'nuff said

Anonymous said...

I guess the hundreds (thousands?) of cartoonists who showed the previous occupant of that Exalted Office as an evil chimpanzee for eight years thought that he's black.

Oh, and this tool apparently thinks that that Goddamned Piece of Paper says that El Supremo writes the bills. My copies all say that Congresscritters introduce them, and that he merely signs them into law.

Unknown said...

Wow, great strategy. Vote Obama or you are a racist. Obey Obama or you are a racist. Don't like being called racist? Racist!

Anonymous said...

After suffering assaults on the English language (THR, TFL)it's a delight to read someone who knows what a plural possessive is, and how to use it.

No, Virginia, not every final "s" is preceeded by an apostrophe. Sometimes it can even come after the "s".


BobG said...

In the hands of the NAACP, that race card is getting a bit dog-eared and tattered, I think.

Anonymous said...

Our new Atty Gen says we're all cowards not to "discuss" race.

I think a lot of people are right on the edge of abandoning their cowardice.

He may want to rethink this.

NotClauswitz said...

I always thought the holiday was actually, "Mattress Sale Day."

Arcadia Iris said...

This brings to mind something I was reading yesterday on why Black History Month isn't such a good idea. I could disagree with the author about the states' rights issue, but I doubt it's worth it to leave comments four years late. Still, I was very interested in how he points out that Lincoln didn't free any slaves.

Not that anyone would believe this author, though... he's obviously just an Uncle Tom and is being forced by the white man to betray his own people. (eyeroll)

Mark said...

No, that one's insane. It's a crazy reach, from someone who apparently wants to be able to call anything racist. I felt ill reading his article, because it was deliberately twisting things around so he could cry the Race Card. It was nasty.

George Groot said...

Back when the average American IQ was still in the triple digits

Since the "average" IQ is a triple digit, 100, then fully half of all Americans have triple digit IQ's (100 or greater) and the other half have 99 or lesser.

A historical anecdote: President Eisenhower was shocked to find that fully half of all Americans had below average IQ's.

Sorry to nitpick, but the idiot savant in me loves him some numbers....

Tam said...

Dude, I was trying to insinuate that the average American these days... oh, never mind.

Anonymous said...

Now will it be racist for bedding and towel departments to have White Sales during Black History Month?

The dadaism of the whole "in the future, everyone will be racist for 15 minutes" situation is mind numbing. Maybe the numbing is what they plan, before they start cutting ...

Don M said...

One of my favorite bits of trivia is that G. Washington and A. Lincoln were both born on the 12th of February. When the calendar changed from Julian to Gregorian in England, the 12th was one of the days that were skipped. The 22nd was the first dat after the skipped days, and ever after that G. Washington celebrated his natal day on the 22nd.

Arcadia Iris said...

Since the "average" IQ is a triple digit, 100, then fully half of all Americans have triple digit IQ's (100 or greater) and the other half have 99 or lesser.

Not quite. Having an IQ of 100 is considered being in the middle of the "of average intelligence" zone, but doesn't actually mean it's a mathematical average. The system wasn't developed for measuring adult intelligence, anyway. It was developed to help identify children of lower than average intelligence, in comparison to other children. This is why what percentile someone tests within is much more telling than what their IQ supposedly is.

Anonymous said...

Kelly, then you and I are the only ones in the country not taking the on-line IQ test? Over and over?

Arcadia Iris said...

Kelly, then you and I are the only ones in the country not taking the on-line IQ test? Over and over?

You, me, and anyone else who doesn't need their ego stroked that badly. I've taken them for the same reason I'll stand in the store and play with a cheap gadget I have no desire to buy. The ads that say things like, "This celebrity has an IQ of 120! Can you beat that?" always make me think, "With my eyes shut... and it still wouldn't mean a damn thing."

Anonymous said...

Yet it was funny when they caricatured Pres. Bush with a monkey face and ears sticking straight out the sides of his head?