Thursday, March 12, 2009

"Back off me!"

Les Jones on Bob Krumm on Whoopi on taxes.

Related: Michael Barone on "Gimme Shelters".


  1. I think it's safe to say that when they've lost Whoopi freakin' Goldberg, things aren't exactly on track.

    Next up, Robin Williams joins Ted Nugent on a feral hog hunt...

  2. How dare Whoopi Goldberg complain about her taxes? She should be PROUD to pay 90% of her income to the various governments who will dispense it to the less wealthy. Typical Democrap, share everybody else's wealth, not mine!

  3. Invest in popcorn. Just a couple of weeks ago she admitted to owning guns. You're watching a long, slow movie about the making of a libertarian. Late bloomer.

    She's half Jewish, you know.


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