Thursday, March 12, 2009

I don't know about you...

...but I teared up.


  1. I was a little sad but no tears until I saw the name "Tam". Then I thought "She's not a bitch when I've been around her" and started laughing.

    My eyes are moist now.

  2. Hell yeah. And OoRah. I've known a thousand people I'd rather see die than any dog I've ever known.

    Semper Fi, Indeed. Thanks, Tam.

  3. Immediately teared up, wiped my eyes, and posted-with-credit.

    Semper Fi, honeys.

  4. Without slighting even a single Marine, I've never known a dog who couldn't teach the meaning of "Semper Fi."

    WV: comyre. How fitting.

  5. Two days after my cataract surgery, and you post this. Must be the incision acting up...

  6. Dave,
    I've never known a dog who couldn't teach the meaning of "Semper Fi."

    Yep. My dog Bob is a perfect example. A friend rescued him off the streets. He was running with a pack of strays when one was struck by a passing car. All of them scattered but for two. The dog who was hit, and Bob. When animal control showed up my friend said "I can't let them take him, he wouldn't leave his friend!"

    He's a good old mutt.

  7. Damn you, Tam...*sniff sniff* :::wiping tears from eyes:::


    Semper Fi.

  8. I've got no neighbors, nor anybody else within miles, but I've got my dogs and that's plenty for me. I'd take 'em over people any day. I guess that makes me odd. So what?

  9. For having known several of both, +1 to Dave.


  10. My Chihuahua must be able to read, since she has started begging for a treat while I have been reading this. Guess what?? She's gonna get it.

  11. Noah D--

    Yep. BTDT, just a year ago. Didn't know how many pretty wimmins there were out there. (Or how many ugly guys.)

    Joseph's getting off light; I have a Dachsuahua Grandpuppy that doesn't request he demands.

    But, like Bill Murray said, "There's nothing more loyal than a mutt."

    wv: pyrat-- a high-temperature glass rodent.

  12. I had a close acquaintance, when I still worked among people, who had been a USAF dog handler during the Southeast Asian police action.

    He told me none of the war dogs were brought home, that it was considered too much of a liability.

    I do not know if this policy has changed.

  13. YIKES!


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