Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hyperventilating over irrelevancies.

Fifteen guns. None of them his, of course. But they sure are hung up on that number.

Look, I have fifteen Mausers, (not counting the Mauser-Vergueiro, of course.) I thought the safe was supposed to form a Faraday cage to block the mind-controlling "killkillkill" radiation given off by large quantities of firearms?

Anyhow, the number of firearms at home isn't important and is a complete red herring here, because he obviously only needed the one.

The funnier part is the "videogames played by other mass killers" bit. You know, I bet the police found soft drinks drunk by other mass killers, breakfast cereals eaten by other mass killers, and blue jeans worn by other mass killers, too.

The important link that all the twenty-pound brains seem to be missing here is this: What all these guys had in common wasn't guns, video games, breakfast cereals, or bad haircuts, it's that they were psychos who killed people. Hello?

If the presence of lots of young males with guns who played shoot-'em-up video games for fun caused massacres, I would have been knee-deep in blood at work for the last fifteen years. The skeet range at your local Scout camp would have devolved into a birdshot-peppered William Golding-esque nightmare. Fort Benning would have corpses stacked like cordwood. Your local police station would look like level 2 from Doom. Put your thinking caps on for a moment here, people.


Anonymous said...

All good, till the last line, Tam.

"Put your thinking caps on for a moment here, people."

I can no longer conceive what cataclysmic act it will take, to get folks SANS reasoning power to turn on that neural switch.

And, that's IF atrophied reason has not already fled the slushy gray matter of the Aunties.

"culte", BTW

J t R

Anonymous said...

Yeah, thinking caps aren't really of much use to them. This is too juicy an opportunity to preach the gospel of more gun control.

Anonymous said...

and BTW, just finished reading a book, "History of Crime and Punishment in America."

author concludes that while gun control may give the appearance of 'doing something', the real issue is one of culture. As the inhibitions of a lawful culture decline and are replaced by impulsive behavior, there will be a continuing increase in violent crime.

...or, see A Clockwork Orange, book and film. Word!

J t R

theirritablearchitect said...

"...gun control may give the appearance of 'doing something', the real issue is one of culture. As the inhibitions of a lawful culture decline and are replaced by impulsive behavior, there will be a continuing increase in violent crime."

Can we please get our own philanthropist to fund a clandestine, guerilla-type group, permanently tatooing this on the foreheads of the mouth-breathers, serving as a constant reminder of the real problem.

The Raving Prophet said...

Fifteen guns can indeed be a news story, but only when ownership of even ONE gun is heavily restricted and controlled. I'm not familiar with Germany's laws on private firearms ownership, but if he was prohibited from even owning one, then the fact that he was able to get his hands on more than a dozen ought to be quite the story on the efficacy of gun control laws.

Not that the media or pro-gun control crowd will recognize it as such, but the fact remains. When a person who shouldn't have one has fifteen, something just isn't working the way it was intended.

Anonymous said...

They were Mutter und Vaters, of course. The new law will prohibit lockups at home and restrict "ownership" to club premises. 'Cause that worked so well in Scotland.

Don't German thinking-caps have those pickle-spikes on top? Don't you wonder how they handle this in happy SaiGon?

Anonymous said...

After extensive research I have found that every single mass-murderer and serial killer drank milk or ate dairy products at some point in their life. It is obvious from this data that milk and/or milk products create killers, and that they must be banned.

For the lame-stream media, correlation IS causation.

Anonymous said...

It's not about thinking.
It's not about reason.
It's not about rational thought processes.

It is all about control, enslavement and power. If they can make you give up a fundamental freedom - they control you, they own you, they have the power.

BTW - Tam, I have a better method of controling the killkillkill radiation given off by my large number of firearms. I don't let them use the car. They can't get out to kill anyone, and they won't turn on me - they need me to keep reloading ammo for them.

But don't get me started on how evil the ammo is. I have to keep the ammo locked up. Just yesterday morning I woke up to find a rogue 357mag round laying on my dresser - pointed straight at my head and pleading with everyone one around to please hit his primer. Bastard, just for that I may reload him with a SASS load - that'll teach em.

Anonymous said...

"The skeet range at your local Scout camp would have devolved into a birdshot-peppered William Golding-esque nightmare."

Okay, I laughed out loud at this. Am I a bad person?

Tam said...

Well, I laughed out loud writing it, so draw your own conclusions. ;)

George Groot said...

Tam, you would be a Goddess at Ft. Benning, what with your Blackwater hat and snarky attitude and all.

But are you up to dealing with 10,000 drooling fanboys?

Word Verification "cusnerm", hehehe...

closed said...

I like their explanation for violence in Germany ... US produced video games and media.

The German people have always been non-violent ... just read the history books in German classrooms ... the ones that are missing info from 1932 to 1946.

The Freeholder said...

Put your thinking caps on for a moment here, people.

You ask for the impossible. These people do not think, they feel. You can't reach them with logic. If we could develop some sort of emotion-based pro-gun argument, we could have everyone in the US armed inside of a year.

Anonymous said...

Tam sez:

Well, I laughed out loud writing it, so draw your own conclusions. ;)

Only the ones that reflect well on the both of us. :)

kbarrett sez:

I like their explanation for violence in Germany ... US produced video games and media.

Germany has some of the most stringent laws about violence in video games...argh...nevermind.

OT, for anyone who cares video-game-wise, FEAR 2 is good-to-really good FPS and is creepy/scary as hell.* One of the initial stages takes place in a half-ruined and abandoned elementary school, and it plays very well on that. Brr.

*Okay, it was for me. That whole fast-cut, sudden atmosphere-and sound change Japanese-style horror really trips my fight/flight triggers, might not for others.