Wednesday, March 25, 2009


New Jovian Thunderbolt pressure-tests his cerebral arteries by listening to NPR on purpose.


  1. Terlingua Creek water is hard enough to slice and fry, but I've survived it, as I have airline food, stale chili at Mom's Eatery and coffee with a pH of maybe two or three.

    But I can't stomach NPR. Knowing that water with a high pH is laxative, I'd have to rate NPR as fourteen or higher.

    Congratulations to JT. "Thy stomach is stronger than mine."


  2. I have a love/hate relationship with NPR and PBS. I like the quiet tone (as opposed to say top 40 radio's incessant frenzy) but I hate the arrogant leftist ignorance.

  3. His mental fortitude is stronger than mine. I haven't listened to National Proletariat Radio for decades.


  4. Voluntarily listening to NPR should be considered a form of self-abuse, only less productive than the normal sense of the word.

  5. Yeah, I do that too. Although it is depressing and at times drives me to the brink of madness, I think we all need to listen to the Liberal kooks too.

    Who was it that said "Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer." or some such statement?

    I'm a firm believer in listening to and watching what the other side is spewing. One day it will be at your front door and you'll have to deal with it. It's best to know what you're up against.

    It is rough on the blood pressure though.


  6. ...serenity now ...serenity now ...serenity now ...serenity now ...serenity now ...serenity now ...serenity now ...serenity now ...serenity now

  7. Listening to NPR? I'd as soon administer suppositories to skunks than listen to that.

  8. It's like the nation's high-school newspaper.

    There was a fascinating moment right after the Contract w/America congress came in. Suddenly NPR was "interested!" in life outside the beltway (must have taken a bus tour). They never actually carried a conservative opinion, but from time to time there would be an opinion about conservatives--a real leap, for them. All their financial commentaries, and reporting the daily trend and percent of the DJIA (although they could never bring themselves to actually announce the numbers), and specials about investing your teachers' retirement fund money, and sponsorship from TIAA-KREF, date from that period: that must have been ashes on the tongues of NPR traditionalists. In their minds, they joined the mainstream then, and they'll be damned if they're going to change for You People again.

    Nor should they. So long as NPR has a monopoly on the school-teacher mindset, we have an armor-belted argument against Fairness assaults on Limbaugh et al.

  9. Man, that's taking one for the team.


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