Friday, March 20, 2009

That's no moon...'s a space station!

I LOL'ed.


  1. I saw this last week, and e-mailed it to my cousin, who put it up on the wall of his cube at Ginormous Space&Defense ContractorInc..... I told him to be careful bout that.... not sure who are Minions of The One, or how far their reach extends.....

    WV = groun = What his career will auger into if someone up his food chain has given in to the Hopeychangey side of the force.....

  2. That's just too awesome for words.

  3. *(sniff!)*

    I'm disappointed. I put that up on TSM on Saturday, almost two weeks ago, and got an Instalanche on Wednesday following, and since then it's gone viral (and if you check the properties of that image you'll note that Divemedic is er, borrowing my bandwidth to post the picture), and you only see it now?

    I'd feel even worse if I hadn't stolen it off of somebody else from


  4. Viral, hell--it's a regular feature at the Tea Parties. This could be tantamount to not paying Betsy Ross for the alterations.

  5. Sorry Kevin- I first saw it on smallest minority (yours, I guess) and loved it. Since I only average 7 hits a day, I didn't think it was a big deal. Never dreamed that I would get a Tamalanche.

    BTW- I am a regular reader of smallest minority and VFTP- you both rock.

  6. That is just awesome. Awesome, I tell you.


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