Friday, March 20, 2009

Overheard in the office...

Me: "You have got to be sh!tting me!"

RX: "What?"

Me: "A sitting US President went on the got-damned Tonight Show?!?"

RX: "Apparently since Lyndon Johnson showed everybody his scar, it's no longer possible to damage the dignity of the office..."


  1. Barry, buddy, the election was five months ago. You can stop campaigning now!

  2. No, he can't. Remember what Alinsky said and what he learned from his field training officer, Richie Daley.

    This administration reminds me of the Special Olympics.

    Shootin' Buddy

  3. Give him enough rope...

  4. That is unfair to the people who participate in the Special Olympics.

    They do their best, and get hugged.

    Obama does his worst, and we get mugged.

  5. Also, if the Special Olympics aren't your thing, changing the channel is quite a bit easier.


  6. Yeah, when Mrs. Ahab said that Obizzle was going to be on Leno's show I was like "hey, shouldn't he be running the country into the ground or oh, I don't know, doing his fucking job?"

  7. Hey, look at it this way. Every minute he's not in the Oval Office is another minute he's not giving billions to ACORN or proposing that our servicemen and women pay for their own battle injuries...

    Remember when the media used to make fun of W's gaffes? And now they carry Barry's water - how many times has the phrase "inadvertent slip" shown up as a talking point?

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Barack Obama. All the political acumen of Jimmy Carter...

  8. Offhand remarks always show the true character. Not a great one in this case.

    I'd like to see Barry bowl with Special Olympics. They would wipe the lanes with him and teach him how to do it with honest compassion.

  9. So much for any respect I had for Jay Leno...

  10. "Apparently since Lyndon Johnson showed everybody his scar, it's no longer possible to damage the dignity of the office..."

    yep, and potusi been showin' their asses ever since.

    at least if he's occupied absorbing the adoration he's not actively doing harm...that was brother bill's greatest attribute; he was too busy getting his bell rung to pursue too much damage. maybe this'll be the o's preoccupational fetish...

    up next: an appearance on winfrey! which o will garner the most worshippers? the o's knows...


  11. The purpose of the president's actions is to advance his agenda. He is like GW Bush in this one thing, this single-minded pursuit of his agenda. He thought that such a fluffy public appearance would allow him to slough off some criticisms of recent actions, through the circus atmosphere surrounding his venue and the lack of rigorous questions or followup he faced in it.

    Keep your eye on the agenda, the means of achieving it can be changed on a moment's notice. What he says, where he says it, is not important. What he does, in the legislation he pushes, the changes to government power he implements, is the only important thing.

  12. aczarnowski, Heh. I live in a bowlers' town, and you are so right.

    I'm sure Tam has told the joke before, because she will say anything: In the Special Olympics, if you win, you're still retarded.

    I'm deeply troubled that Letterman and Leno are both car guys, and both carry this pinhead's water. Then again, fascists built remarkable cars. After the war, Sepp Dietrich went back to his old job at Porsche.

  13. Not since LBJ showed everybody his scar.

    Since LBJ exposed himself to the press and remarked, "never seen one that big outside of Texas, have you, boys?" (Paraphrasing as I can't recall the actual quote, and can't find it in Google.)

  14. Were the Special Olympics for intellectual competency instead of physical, the Big O would still be severely challenged.

    Are you aware tht Obama signed the stimulus package at the same desk where Clinton had his package stimulated?


  15. I want to think, "He just doing the best he can with what God gave him," in the same way as a special Olympic competitor - but then I think of what he's doing on purpose to the country, and to foreign relations - all the academic oriented stupid-shit that a typical Ivory Tower nitwit might do, and realize he's way past his sell-by date.

  16. The man beclowns the office with every moment he spends in it.

  17. At least that's an hour or so he isn't trying to crater the economy.


    It's like having Johnny Knoxville in the oval office. Hey, I've got an idea for a new movie...

  19. Remember when Billy Clinton talked about his underwear????

  20. Then again, you had Nixon saying "sock it to me" on Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In, and you had Elvis, in jumpsuit, over at Nixon's White House for some mutual hero worship.

    LBJ was also known to make staffers (who he inherited from JFK, and mockingly called them delicate Kennedyites) come to the bathroom when he was making #2, and meet with him, just to watch them suffer.

    I may be the only one who didn't think the Tonight Show appearance was beneath the Presidency. The Tonight Show has always been a class act since its inception, no matter how high or low brow the subject was. Having Luce Veritas on the show lowered it, not the other way around.

    The only trouble with his appearance is that, whenever O is in the news saying anything, even reciting the alphabet or reading the telephone book, the market tanks. Last night, Tonight Show: today, DJ down 120 points.

    I swear, if he really wanted to make the economy recover, he'd take a vow of silence.

  21. The "Tonight" Show hasn't been a class act since Steve Allen left.

    Nixon was not president when he went on "Laugh-In."

    Kennedy had the Winter Consort at the White House; Nixon had the Modern Jazz Quartet. You can STFU up about Evvis before I mention Li'l Steevie Wunner, or you can live with the rest of the Amos'n'Andy parody this presidency is about to become. Hey, maybe The One can get the Jackson Five back together, like Hildebeest and Slick Willie did for Fleetwood Mac...good times, good times.


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