Sunday, April 12, 2009

I am not the world's biggest Ann Coulter fan...

...finding her a little strident for my tastes. I tend to prefer my wit a little drier, and hold the bombast please. Still, credit where credit's due, this was a good piece. The money zinger is here:
[Liberals] think they can pass a law eliminating guns and nuclear weapons, but teenagers having sex is completely beyond our control.


  1. Yep she has lots of zingers like that. Always to the point!

  2. I drove past a "Nuclear Free Zone" sign in Baltimore, MD every day for a decade on my way to work. In fine print it noted that the city council had voted that into effect.

    I did not know before then that the Baltimore city council had a role in targeting decisions for Soviet ICBMs.

  3. Ann may be a bit bombastic with her wit but she's always turning up the heat on people who richly deserve it.

    It is no small wonder why conservatives like her. She has a spine, unlike so many 'conservatives' who go along to get along.



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