Sunday, April 12, 2009


...and then fearless Joe Biden drew his Webley-Vickers 50.80 and told the idiot king "Mr. President, your instincts aren't good enough." An excited buzz ran around the Oval Office...

(H/T to The Breda.)


  1. For those who didn't get the Webley-Vickers reference...

  2. Webley-Vickers, would that be the air-cooled or the water-cooled model? Wasn't that banned by the Hague Convention?

  3. To steal from the late Ann Richards, "Poor Joe, he walks around with a sliver foot in his mouth."


  4. Oh, Tam. Who here wouldn't get some Thurber onomatopoeia? We're all in, lady.

  5. This time, the unicorn really is eating the roses.

  6. Matt,

    Yup. I really don't like to offer explanations. I figure that if somebody's reading my blog and comes across a literary or pop culture allusion with which they are not familiar, or a word they don't know, they're... hello?... connected to the goddam internet and can bloody well look it up. :D

  7. And, by the time we've explained the joke of the fictional guns on the airplanes, and wonderful imagery of sound by way of words that Thurber painted, they won't laugh at the well-crafted joke, because, as with all jokes, it's not as good if you have to explain it. I've loved me some a-pocketa-pocketa since I first found that guy in my junior high library in 6th grade. :)


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