Friday, May 08, 2009

Dear Rep. Sanchez,

I hope this post makes you cry.


PS: You'll never take me alive, coppers!

(H/T to Billy Beck, via The Irritable Architect.)


  1. Political Grandstanding at it's finest.

    Society has not changed, technology merely changes methods.

  2. I would ordinarily like to contribute to Sanchez's opponent in the next election, but who would clean my guns while I'm in stir? And then I'd be a prohibited person. Decisions, decisions!

  3. Bad girl. You know she only has our best intrests in mind. God save us from the well meaning.

  4. Some days I think the threepers are on the right track. Saying that won't put me on any lists, will it?

  5. If every single person that comments on this blog isn't on a list, then the .gov is staggeringly incompetent...

  6. With the way the government is going, I don't think there's a "list" anymore, they would have abolished "lists" in the name of fairness and such.

    Instead, everyone is now suspect and presumed guilty. I suppose that's "fair", isn't it? Can't be discriminatory if NSA or FBI is simply keeping files on everyone, right?

  7. I can't tell if the noise that just came out of me was a *rueful laugh* or a *derisive snort* or a bit of both...

  8. "If every single person that comments on this blog isn't on a list, then the .gov is staggeringly incompetent..."

    Seems like it would be easier to come up with a list of people who aren't on the government's shit list; you could probably print it on a 3 x 5 card.

  9. BobG: Anyone on that 3x5 would be suspicious.

    Everyone has done something. If the State can't find anything on you, then you must be really good at hiding it, and are thus even more dangerous than everyone else.

    Get on that "I've done nothing!" 3x5, and it's double secret extra crispy probation for you!

  10. "Everyone has done something. If the State can't find anything on you, then you must be really good at hiding it, and are thus even more dangerous than everyone else."

    Exactly! The only guy who observes the speed limit is the guy with a body in his trunk, so driving at the speed limit is "probable cause".

  11. Don't look a gift horse in the Mouth!

    If this bill is passed we could send every anti-gun bogger to the pokey for 2-5!

    I mean all the violent threats, asking us to shoot ourselves, and saying we have small pee-pees.

    Oh and unsupported alligations of racism.

    Hell we could clean house pretty quick....or maybe get her to reverse the bill when the comments sections on the Kos and Huff-Po dry up overnight....

  12. I used to work for one of the 'lists'. After I found out more about 'the list' I wasn't really on board with the mission, and I quit.

    In principle, the idea was great. The execution of the idea in the field pulls a 30 inch vacuum on an onion sack. That's all I've got to say about that now. Someone's at my door. Gotta go.


  13. Umm, and Tam? What is it about government performance that makes you think it ISN'T staggeringly incompetent?

    I mean, they lost money running the most famous whorehouse in the Western hemisphere.

  14. If they try to take me in I'm claiming disability status...I can't HELP what I say. After all I'm legally mentally disabled. That's a protected class right? :) In their politically correct world I can't be held accountable for my words.

    So they can just screw off.

  15. Some people are alive simply because it's illegal to shoot them....

  16. My blog handle probably put me at the top of the .gov list. See you guys in the gulag.

    I'm with Tam. They will never take me alive especially over something as gotdam stupid as this.


  17. I mean, they lost money running the most famous whorehouse in the Western hemisphere.Oh, come on! How is the U.S. House of Representatives supposed to show a profit?

  18. I usually try to keep it to a low roar in comments, and keep the barking on my own blog.

    However, in the spirit of your post, let me add the following, specifically to intimidate Rep. Sanchez:

    FUCK THAT SHIT!!!!!!1!!ONE!!!!

    You'll pardon me, Miss Tam. Here, I thought California Congresscritters' primary duty was to wipe arse with the Second Amendment. I didn't know they were expanding to cover the First.



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