Friday, May 08, 2009

Psssst! Wanna buy a zombie?

Too late, you just did. For $7,200,000,000.

In showrooms for '10: The new Chrysler Glorious People's Long March!


  1. The only upside to this is that the dems are probably going to get slaughtered in the midterms.


  2. I know that it is irrelevant, but you forgot a zero.

  3. Remember that fellow from a while back, who accused us of not reading the bailout bills? Why, there's no new spending! It's just a loan, I say. I'm sure he'll stop in here at any moment to correct the record.

    Since they're going bankrupt and we're picking up the tab, I want a milling machine and a lathe, along with the tools. I'll also take a Challenger, but only if it's white. And don't hire anybody to drive it across country--I'll pick it up myself, thanks.

  4. Night of the Living Debt - Barack Obama plays Ben, the courageous black guy that eventually gets everyone killed by zombies.

    "Change! Chaaannnge!"

  5. In all fairness, this only represents 1% of Porkulous. It's kind of mind warping to consider that such an epic fail is basically a rounding error on an even more epic fail.

  6. I'm beginning to believe that Obama is pretty smart and that his economic policies are going to succeed. His goal seems to be to completely destroy the American economy. This will require a majority of Americans to depend on the Federal Government for their existence. These parasites will feed off the taxes collected from the producers and keep electing Democraps.

  7. It's Friday morning and my math is not working. Sorry. Either that or we all forgot what all those zeros mean.

  8. Snark all you want, but at least appreciate it for the rich Corinthian leather.

  9. Chrysler's estimated market cap is about $3.2 billion.

    Yes, we coughed up twice the price anyone else could have paid.

    But you're wrong- we don't own it.

  10. Will these be fast zombies or slow zombies?

  11. Kristopher: slow, and they'll demand at least 6 fifteen minute breaks and an hour for lunch from each 8-hour day of strenuous shambling.

  12. Kris: Slow Zombies? These are motherfuckin' Union Zombies.

  13. I can smell your chaaaaaaange.

  14. Funny how strange things affect internal decisions in car companies. Years ago, there was discussion about putting four Weber carbs on the high-performance version of the Stingray. We built one to test. The General Manager's wife, Mrs. Ed Cole, drove it to the grocery one day. She complained that it idled too fast. So, no Webers. That we were getting some 450 hp from a streetable 327 didn't matter.

    Fast forward: I can see Mrs. Obama picking out the styling department folks, and engineering from a Green Team.

    Hey, for a mere $39,876.39, delivered in West Bugtussle, Utah, you can have a Yugo.



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