Sunday, May 31, 2009

I'll take "Kevin Bacon" for $500, Alex...

So, my pal Joanna is going to be on Jeopardy! on Wednesday, June 3rd. Jeopardy! is, of course, hosted by one Alex Trebek, who also appeared in the X-Files episode, "Jose Chung's From Outer Space" with Charles Nelson Reilly, who was in Cannonball Run II with Burt Reynolds, who was in Striptease with Demi Moore, who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon.


  1. Hey, Tam:

    Apologies if you've seen this already, but I'm so not au courant.

  2. That is the wildest thing I've seen on the tubes for some time. Congratulations on cratering productivity around Roseholme Cottage for the afternoon. :p

  3. My Bacon number is 2: I was an extra in "Joe vs The Volcano" with Tom Hanks. Tom Hanks was in "Apollo 13" with Kevin Bacon. My 15 microseconds of fame - heh.

  4. I met Cameron Crowe backstage at a Heart concert a few years ago. He worked with Tom Cruise in Jerry Maguire. Tom Cruise and Kevin Bacon were both in A Few Good Men.


  5. You were backstage at a Heart concert? Cool!

  6. I've never met Elizabeth Shue, who was in "Hollow Man" with Kevin Bacon.

    And my secret word is "faingen," which might somehow seem relevant after a few beers.

  7. Reading this post is like watching an episode of Connections.

    No wait, not that James Burke.

  8. "Tom Hanks". Who the hell is that. I think you just made that name up.

  9. This "Oracle Of Bacon" thing is a knock-off of a thing that the local radio deejays did called "Six Degrees Of Kevin Bacon" over 12 years ago.

  10. Before Facebook, before MySpace, before Friendster, there was a social networking site called, based on the idea that you were six friends away from everyone on Earth. This was circa 1999, maybe. Too soon, and it didn't make it.

  11. Burt Reynolds and Tom Hanks were on Jeopardy! together. Here's proof:


    WV: dhumvi (you are dumb if you bought a humvi...I am not making this up).


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