Sunday, May 31, 2009

Quote of the Day:

"Steyn’s only mistake here is to assume that Obama would have any serious interest in American exceptionalism in the world. As far as Obama is concerned, what is exceptional about America is Obama."


  1. A-freaking-men

  2. As a graduate of New Paltz College, I'm personally delighted to see some common sense coming out that town.

    I'll be visiting the New Paltz Journal in the future.

  3. And the only thing exceptional about Obama is how exceptionally unfit for office he is.

  4. Now, uh, Nathan, you just, uh, haven't, uhm, grasped what a, uh, I mean, brilliant, uh, orator, you know, Obama, uhm, really is.

    Once you, uh, embrace the, uhm, hope and uhm, change, uh, and I mean, understand that, uh, yes, we CAN!, uh, you'll, you know, be much, uh, more accepting.

  5. I'm sure Mark Steyn knows quite well that Obama's interest in American exceptionalism is only in trying to destroy the concept. Any excuse for reprinting Steyn's brand of snark is a good one, though.


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