Wednesday, May 13, 2009

No joy in Motown.

So now that everybody's had a chance to look through Chrysler's filing cabinets, it's apparent that the Jerries took everything that wasn't nailed down and what's left is hardly worth saving. Meanwhile, General Motors is announcing a joint venture with Frito-Lay: GM stock certificates will be the new secret surprise in boxes of Cracker Jack.


  1. I could not help remembering "The Simpsons" episode where the Dutchies buy the nuclear plant from Mr. Burns and discover that it is a disaster. "There are raccoons in the control panel."

    The Big Three should have become the Medium Fifteen two decades ago.

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. Bob Eaton is going to go down in history as the guy who, by timidly snatching defeat from the slavering jaws of victory, nearly single-handedly killed Chrysler.

  3. I wonder who will end up with the Jeep brand. Willys to American Motors to Chrysler to ?

    As I understand, the Wrangler was one of the few Chrysler products whose sales were rising -- don't know about the other Jeeps.

  4. Willys, Kaiser, Hudson, Auburn, Cord, Duesenberg, Packard, Pierce-Arrow, Maxwell, Overland, Stearns-Knight, DeSoto, Tucker, Nash ....

    Last man standing will be Ford. Provided they don't accept any "help" from the Feds.

  5. Ugh.

    Bye bye!

    And bye thousands of dealers , suppliers, and ...

    Oh yeah, this recession is ALMOST over... SURE it is.

  6. Almost ALL stock shares are eventually worth zero.

    And the recession IS over! George Soros said so!

    In September, and this month too!

    Your lack of faith in our rescuer is disturbing.

  7. This is pretty standard for any corp bought by Germans.

    German companies are required to loot foriegn holdings in order to avoid EVER firing a German employee ... corporate officers can go to jail for failing to comply.

    Ask Chris Byrnie about the Bundespost's rape of DHL some time.

  8. The other sad point about the whole current Detroit fiasco?

    Bob Lutz, hard-nosed certified car guy, has now been screwed over in a senior management position by each and every one of the Big Three...

  9. It's not as though they were getting a virgin.

  10. Didn't Daimler pay about eleventy bizillion dollars for Chrysler, back in the day? And it looks like all they got was a T-Shirt and a half bag of Krispy Kremes that hadn't been eaten yet.

    But I love my Jeep. Probably the only part of Chrysler left with any value, other than that UAW-donations-to-the-Democrats thing.

  11. "Didn't Daimler pay about eleventy bizillion dollars for Chrysler, back in the day?"

    Daimler paid dick-oh-nine for the "Merger of Equals", and promptly looted Chrysler's carefully hoarded $8,000,000,000 "rainy day fund".

  12. Hrmm... now that the files are in less scrupulous and more powerful hands, who wants to bet a lawsuit is forthcoming against Daimler for dubious accounting practices?


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