Monday, July 20, 2009

Bad teewee commercials.

Knoxwegians are aware, unless they don't have a televisor, of the surreal bad advertisements done by local discount furniture emporium, Brown Squirrel Furniture. I figured I was going to miss that, in a twisted sort of way, when I moved to Indy.

No worries. There is a discount furniture establishment here, complete with teewee ads, with the lovely schizophasic name of "The Schoolhouse of Educated Wicker".


  1. What isn't on

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. One other thing I miss from Canada were the creepy ass ads for "Igor's Discount Game Warehouse" in Rochester NY.

    Sadly, not on youtube.

  3. "The Schoolhouse of Educated Wicker" would be an excellent name for an album by a 1960s psychodelic british rockband...

  4. Personally I'd prefer a Glass of Educated Ice.

    But I'm funny that way.

  5. I'm not sure which is making me laugh harder, the name of the Indy furniture store, or Tam's pitch-perfect descriptive term.

  6. Check out the ones for "Martin Fine Furniture" that run on Skytrack.

  7. My personal favorite is "Jones big ass truck rental, BBQ and foot massage"

  8. Oh, no, Chicago has a whole cadre of bad tv ads from time immemorial. Harry Schmurler, the singing Ford Man, Fencl Tufo with the wierd monsters, Lincoln Insurance running now. The worst are probably Eagle Man. Those are on YouTube.

    One that was so bad it was genius was Freedom Auto, which had a huge black man who was a ton of fun to watch, a wonderfully likable lug, and who had a midget sidekick named Half Off. And he kept himself surrounded by pretty women. It was like watching a Mexican comedy, except in English.

    wv: blimpn - hey, blimpin ain't easy. I know. I'm quite a blimp myself.


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