Thursday, July 30, 2009


PayPal leaves wounded vets swinging in the breeze because their lawyers fill their pants every time they hear the word "gun".

(From what I can tell this morning, however, the PayPal button at Soldiers' Angels appears to be back up and running...)


  1. At Soldiers' Angels, yes. For the raffle, no. Thanks for the plug!

  2. It appears that there is still no paypal button for the raffle.

  3. I send Soldier's Angels a money order now and then. I can't stand Paypal nor Ebay.

    I think the owners are friends of them long haired, hippy-type, pinko fags. I betchya they've even got commie flags tacked up on the wall inside of their garages.


  4. They ain't even got a garage, you can call home and ask their wives!

  5. "Masterminds in the ways of espionage."

  6. I know that I'm way late to the party, but Paypal is owned by eBay. Their PR department is at (408) 376-7458.

    Please be polite, but let them know that this has bad PR juju all over it.

    If they get a phone call or a dozen, this will bubble right up some VP's To Do list.

  7. Great. Now I have Ray Stevens stuck in my head.

  8. We've managed to bypass PayPal! Another sponsor of the Rendezvous,, an ammo site, is doing the on-line ticket sales for us with all proceeds (minus the 3% credit card fee) going to Soldiers' Angels. Soldiers' Angels is still taking phone orders for those who don't want to purchase on-line. Details here.

    And thanks again for linking!


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