Thursday, July 30, 2009

You know you're a gun nut when... read the article that starts out...
An old gun found on an Aberdeenshire nature reserve has been identified as a French rifle from the 1800s.

The remains of the ancient weapon were discovered last year in a sea cave on the St Cyrus National Nature Reserve.
...and your first thought is "Oh, an Mle.74 Gras. I have one of those. I still need to order some ammo. Mine looks a lot prettier, though."

I didn't excavate mine from a sea cave in Scotland, though. I bought it from some dude at a gun show in Knoxville. He was kind enough to include the bayonet.

(H/T to Unc.)


  1. Since when have items from the 1880s been referred to as "ancient"?! I can go with "antiquated" but I have always saved the term ancient for dates that contain "B.C." in them...

  2. That made me chuckle, too.

  3. I think it's a job requirement. Having a somewhat limited historical horizon is useful when writing acceptable pieces about, say... how well another gov't program is going to work. :)

  4. Is it me, or is yours older too.

  5. Followed immediately by. "I might expect one in an Irish sea cave- Howth rifles, Roger "So big and Wanting It" Casement, and all that.

    But Scotland?


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