Friday, July 17, 2009

If the pants fit, wet them...

Apparently, police officers in Chico, CA will have an attack of the vapors if someone with a permit to carry a gun actually, you know, carries a gun.
Although the man didn't violate any laws, it made Mike Maloney uncomfortable as the interim chief of police, he said.

"From my perspective, I can't see any reason for someone who's not a peace officer to carry a weapon to the City Council," Maloney said.
Well, thank you for your opinion, Interim Chief Mike Maloney.

It "made you uncomfortable"? Jesus, I can almost hear the sniveling Andy Rooney tone in your voice when I read that. "He had a gun and it made me feel uncomfortable..." I'll bet you go into the quivering fits down at the cop shop, what with all those Glocks everyplace.

No, wait, you're fine at the cop shop because all the guns down there come with plenty of patent leather and dark blue polyester poplin, right? And that makes them okay.
"My opinion is that members of the public should allow trained professionals to carry and use firearms," Maloney said.

Having seen the effects of gun use, Maloney thinks citizens should instead be good witnesses if they spot a crime, he said.
I'd be all about some trained professionals, but all we have is you, chief. And you know what they say about you guys: You're never around when I need you. And when I do call you, you've got the rest of my life to get here. I reckon I'll keep lugging my own heater around, thanks.


  1. I've seen the effects of gun use too. However in my case, there were no cops around and the fact that I had my own firearm made my attackers turn tail and run.

    Plus, knowing a few cops myself, I've seen their 'training'. Mr. Maloney can shove his donuts up his ass for all that training is worth.

  2. Do you think a politically incorrect officer could ever rise high enough in big-city CA to be "Interim Chief"? Only douche bags need apply.

    I knew plenty of cops when I lived in LA and drilled with the Marine Corps Reserve there. They were okay.

    My downstairs neighbor was a County Deputy Sheriff. He knew I was a Marine and owned an "assault" rifle. Like every other cop, he was on duty during the 2nd King trial. He was counting on me to protect his family if trouble started in our neighborhood. Even told his wife to give me some of his spare weapons and ammo if it got real bad.

  3. Need a report written? Call a cop.

  4. What was he doing looking at the guys ass in the first place?

  5. In My Limited Experience, cops who think it's a good idea for ordinary citizens to go armed spend most of their career on the street busting criminals.

    The "cops" who think the citizens should be disarmed spend their time behind desks or in front of cameras.

  6. Who's the more professional? Those of us who hit the range every week? Or some Yotz in uniform who 'qualifies' four times a year.....

    Our own local cops are too busy stealing, and using, crack cocaine. Or shooting drunken Native-Hyphenated-Americans outside a gay bar...

    'Round these parts, if a cop implied he was a professional anything, he'd likely get 'hit' by a cream custard pie!

  7. "In My Limited Experience, cops who think it's a good idea for ordinary citizens to go armed spend most of their career on the street busting criminals."

    Sometimes those cops are heads of the Firearms Training Unit and become an elected Sheriff:

    Win with Ken!

    Shootin' Buddy

  8. I'm thinkin' Chief Only-One is about 75 years and halfway round the world out of place with that Police and Military only BS.... maybe if we translate it to German he'll understand .... Deine Nagelschuhe verkratzen meinen Fußboden, Herr Nur-Eine. Raus!

  9. Yet another exellent reason to avoid Kalifornia...

    It's a beautiful state tho' - just not pretty enough to bet my life on.

  10. Sometimes those cops are heads of the Firearms Training Unit and become an elected Sheriff:

    Win with Ken!

    I can't say enough good things about Sheriff Ken.

  11. My dad's younger brother is a cop. Nice guy, family, blah blah blah, but I can carry my own water, thank you. Does this guy want only doctors and medical professionals to know first aid?

  12. yet another reason I left California and never went back.

  13. #1-If the man wasn't breaking any laws, why were you uncomfortable? (sniviling only-one).
    #2-Whose side are you on? Gun rights or gun control? Oh, wait, don't tell me, let me guess. . . (sniviling only-one).
    #3-When seconds count, the cops are only minutes away (sniviling only-one).
    #4-I'm just as glad you're not in the legislature or judiciary. You're emo feelings would have a more far-reaching impact on some poor Kalifornication's citizen's (serf's) life. Actually, I'm "uncomfortable with you being a cop, much less an interim chief of cops (sniviling only-one).

    B Woodman
    SSG (Ret) US Army

  14. I wonder how he would feel if his department was unable to continue to purchase the Military and Police only weapons and was forced to buy the same guns and ammo that the "citizens" of his fair city are allowed to buy?


  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Professionalism......
    (drags out soap box, stands on same)
    Our local Commie College has 125 hours of credits mandatory to apply for a police job. 2 credits of firearm safety, 2 credits of firearm qualification.

    If someone is here who can do the quadratic equation to derive what percentage of 125 4 makes...

    me thinks between 3 and 4 percent.

    Did that man say professional?

    Besides didn't Jeff Cooper point out that Amature has the same root word as Amore. We love and respect firearms and our fellow firearms lovers.

  17. I agree this should not have been an issue since he was carrying legally.

    What I will also take from this is to remember that concealed carry should mean that noone around me (or at least very few) will notice that I am carrying. We do not know how apparent it was in this situation that he had a weapon, but if it is easy to see, a change in attire or method of carry is probably in order.

  18. Could the case be made that since a class required to acquire a CCL, that only trained professionals will be carrying? Doesn't this match what a police officer is required to undergo? Their class may be slightly more involved, but the premise should hold.

  19. "What I will also take from this is to remember that concealed carry should mean that noone around me (or at least very few) will notice that I am carrying."

    Pardon me while I beat the civil rights drum momentarily:

    If you're legal to own a firearm (i.e. not a felon who has forfeited the rights of a citizen) then it doesn't matter how you carry. Openly, concealed, partially concealed. It's a personal choice and a matter of practicality. I can guarantee it's easier to carry concealed in winter than summer- does that mean you should be less safe in the summer time?

    In my home state of Washington, there is no law about imprinting or exposing: we are an open-carry state. Every state should be this way. As long as you have a CPL you can carry any way you wish. Without a CPL you must carry openly (to be "legal") if you carry at all. I would take it further, personally, and say that one doesn't "need" a permit to exercise a right.

  20. "If you're legal to own a firearm (i.e. not a felon ....."

    What with the ever expnding list of felonious act (Texas has nearly a dozen having to do with OYSTERS, IIRC) that will eventually preclude "pert-near err-buddy" from keepin', let alone bearin'... Hell, you don't even have to be convicted of a felony anymore..... just have someone that does not take a shine to you run tell a Judge that you scare them..... or get on a Fedgov too scary to fly list.... or have the same name as somebody on that list..... or .......

  21. Y'all need to remember that nukin' the city of Chico would need to be done carefully to rid us of these critters (hey, DHS, just kidding) so nothing is sterilized other than the PD and the University. A one mile burst area would take out most of the granola eateries and coffee shops. Oops, there's also a good book store close to the campus, but I guess collateral damage is a sad necessity. Please be aware that too large a blast would also take out my favorite motorcycle shop and the Sierra Nevada Brewery, and I'm sure some of you would hate to eliminate the source of such a fine brew.
    Here in Butte County there's open carry in the un-incorporated parts, and I'm sure I'd have no problem getting the Sheriff to issue me CCW, but I see no reason to let anybody think they could "grant" me any of my rights. They have no idea how many or what kinds of weapons I have and I'll keep it that way, thanks.
    I'm livin' on 13 acres with a nice little gully in which I can fire to my heart's content, but when we had to evacuate 'cause of last year's fires I spent 8 days with friends who have even more room and a nice range. Worst part was the way the suspension on my poor little car sagged as I went out my dirt road 'cause of all the guns and 3000+ rounds in the back. ;^)

    Rob J

  22. Rob J., that's why they invented neutron bombs, to whisk away the badguys and leave the infrastructure intact.

    Seriously for a moment, son number one is an inner city detective, in one of the real garden spots here in sunny New England.

    He's had to kill two men, and pop several more. What perhaps I'm most proud of is the fact it hasn't made him either nasty or over cautious. He's still the same smartmouth Denis Leary type he alway was.

    He's also ferociously pro-gun, both as the son of a guy with a house full of firearms and a street cop who's seen too many cops saved or helped by armed citizens. Have I mentioned that he works in a sewer?

    He's utter wicked with that S&W M&P.45, and practices a lot more than most of his fellow officers.

    But, if we were to use the U.S. Army supplied figure of two hours a week of challenging practice as a functional minimum to maintain top proficiency, he would barely make the cut, and most of his buddies would fail miserably.

    I could scare up at least 20 or 30competition shooters of my aquaintance who fire far more practice rounds than that. So, who's the professional?

    We had an escaped murderer running around our neighborhood a few years back, who had just raped and sodomized a woman, killed her elderly neighbor with a stolen steak knife, stole his car, then burned his house down to cover the crime.

    The badguy was caught, not by the hundreds of National Guardsmen and police combing the neighborhood, but by a former M.P. in his 70's who did a totally smooth takedown that never mussed a hair on the perp, but also never gave him a chance to object. Who's the professional?

  23. What is interesting is that Chico is located in the 'watery north' of California. This is where all the evil unwashed gun owners live. It is also very close to several counties that freely issue CCW licenses. This means that it is where the parents so frequently send their kids, go visit them, etc. They really should know better by now, as it has likely come up before...

  24. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
    "My opinion is that members of the public should allow trained professionals to carry and use firearms," Maloney said.

    Eh? Which members of the public are trying to keep trained professionals from carrying and using firearms? What did I miss? Is there a new CCTKCFC (Citizen's Committee To Keep Cops From Carrying)? -- Lyle

  25. Wait; Maloney's not himself a member of the public?

    That man is so confused. -- Lyle

  26. Nat: Step it up a notch, and only let his officers carry what the ordinary citizens of his jurisdiction are allowed to buy and own and carry without any sort of permitting process. :)

  27. I liked Joanna;s comment: "Does this guy want only doctors and medical professionals to know first aid?"

    Billy Beck linked me here. Glad to know ye.

  28. Chief Maloney must have a heart attack when Chuck Norris, or any master of martial arts - whether he knows of their achievement or not - walks in. Or someone with shoes that haven't been scanned for bombs, or throw weight. Or a broom stick (quarter staff) or hardcover book with a ribbon or rubber band holding it closed (impromptu throwing star). Etc.

    Can we get a Rachel Lucas style dis-inspiration poster for the chief? Something like: Mass shootings take place in gun-free zones.

  29. My comment to the ER website:

    The "million dollar question" SHOULD be: "Why doesn't everyone carry a gun everywhere?" What happened in this country that the chief of police is concerned about a citizen who DIDN'T break the law? What happened to us that the mere PRESENCE of a firearm, and inanimate object, is cause for alarm? Why does the chief of police want private citizens to think that they will always only be a WITNESS to a crime, rather than the victim? What kind of a witness can a citizen be if they are dead? Why does the chief of police want only "trained professionals"armed, when it's been shown statistically time an again that the average police officer is FAR less proficient than the the average private firearm owner?

    When seconds count the cops are only minutes away.

    I grew up near Chico. It's always been a dirt-hole full of dirt-bags. Too bad I had to move to Colorado to find reasonable people.


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