Saturday, August 08, 2009

August Blogmeet.

Time and tide wait for no man, and neither does Farmer Frank's sweet corn harvest.

Try to remember not to forget that the August '09 Indy Blogmeet will be at the Broad Ripple Brew Pub tomorrow at three. Bring grocery sacks, because when Frank W. James says he's bringing a pickup truck full of corn, that's not an idle figure of speech.

Some of us will be storming the gates at Iggle Crick in the AM to get some trigger time in between 9AM and Blogmeet Time.

Be there or be an equilateral rectilinear two-dimensional surface.


  1. Have fun kids, I'll raise a pint from OR for you at around the appointed time.

  2. Hopefully taking my new LCR for a walk in ID while ya'll go do your eastside thing...

  3. like most out here who regularly peep into the windows of r.cottage (virtually, you pervs), i won't be joining you. contrary to your implication however, while i may be nearly equilateral and somewhat rectilenear, i am so not two-dimensional.

    so on behalf of the many non-attendees, i request and would appreciate a bit of a more comprehensive report...i.e. pics of those not averse to same, subjects and gist of conversation and contention, choices of refreshment, etc...virtual attendance, as it were.

    i and the other cubes in the audience thank you in advance for your effort.


  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. jessica: obviously the target market of your online marketing is the marginally literate and spelling-challenged majority...i suggest you take your spam elsewhere.

    wv: bargen...jessica's marketing service ain't no good bargen...


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