Saturday, August 08, 2009

Quote of the Day:

Well, it's not actually a quote, it's a picture. You can see it here.


  1. However, according to Homeland Security, the Gadsden flag means you are armed revolutionaries. So you might be invaded by the military and shot on sight. Or SEIU members will just beat you up. Freedom of speech and freedom of opinion no longer exist in this country.
    Big Obama is watching.

  2. I'm waiting for the day that a large union goes on strike in America and gets declared "Economic Terrorists" for holding the good citizens of the US hostage, the SEIU or Longshoreman are good candidates. The .gov would get to seize their assets. So the biting the hand that feeds it argument gets blown out of the water with that. Why take a nibble every once in a while, when you can just take the whole wildebeest at once.

    But then some think I'm paranoid.

  3. Books. Bikes. Boomsticks. When they kick at your front door, how you gonna come?

    I plan on having them kick down the door of an empty house.

    I'll decide which hill to die on, not them.

  4. That's not how the song goes, though.

  5. I checked my stats and went "WTF?"... Then I noticed the linky love.

    Thanks, Tam!

    And, yes, that really is my front door. I'll keep my own counsel on how I will respond to such an unfortunate event, thank you very much.



  6. It's a shame a flag with such a rich history flown by many a brave men would be considered something terroristic by our government. Patriotic perhaps, love of country, yes, terroristic, I don't think so...

  7. JS,
    What you fail to understand is that those who fly that flag read right wing extremist documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. These individuals DO NOT bow in obedience to the Great Obama and they seem to belive some fictional diety has given them some "rights."
    They canot be trusted to do as they are told by the Experts who know what is good for them. They are deluded and think they have "choices" about how they live their lives. They do not understand that they are simply mentally advance animals who are shaped by their environments, nothing more.

  8. The Gadsden flag is terrorist, eh?

    Fitting. I just put one on my truck.

    I hope I give some MA liberal a fucking heart attack, I really do...

  9. Somewhere in digital storage, I have a Gadsden flag with the legend in Arabic.

  10. Well put Anonymous, I think I'll go get a bumper sticker of that flag and "fly it" proudly, since I believe in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence like every free American should.


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