Thursday, August 20, 2009

You don't have to be innocent of irony to be a Democrat these days...

...but it helps.

Apparently, some of the party faithful are getting their knickers all in a twist because... are you ready for this? ...some people are throwing "Nazi" and "Hitler" references around about their guy and his ideas.

Either these people have had their irony glands surgically removed, have the memory of an amnesiac fruit fly, or they are dumber than an acre of fungus.

(H/T to Kleinheider, via Unc.)


  1. I'll take 'D', for all of the above.

    Thanks for my morning TamFix (g)

  2. I cannot help but think about all the things the Left did to Bush and what their reaction would be if the Right did it to Obama?

    Remember the Bush assassination movie? (Which I am ashamed to admit to have watched).

    Remember all the death to Bush books and "art"?

    Remember Bush portrayed as a chimp?

    By such outlandish behavior the Left has set the grounds rules. Bring on the Chimpy McAcorn/McAlinksy posters of Obama!

    Shootin' Buddy

  3. If you don't want to be associated with fascists, perhaps you shouldn't campaign for a massive increase in state power, encourage government collusion with big business, attempt to silence and disarm your critics, all while slavishly following an empty suit of a figurehead who doesn't have a lot going on betwixt the aural receptors, but gives a heck of a speech.

    This seems obvious to me, so I vote for "dumber than an acre of fungus."

  4. "But WE were doing it then! And it was against BUSH, so that makes it right! You nazi!!"

    You did leave out the 'hypocritical asshat socialist' option, though.

  5. Actually, a basic irony deficiency is a hallmark of the left coast.

    I thought it was just me the first few years after I moved Out West, but most folks simply cannot parse irony out here.

    Oh so earnest in their convictions and dumb as a post when it comes to actual subtlety.

  6. That's an insulting comparison for fungus.

  7. Hmmmm. Need more data to choose... what kind of fungus?

  8. Yah, yah, yah. The left makes an appeal for fairness and decorum-- on the part of everybody else.
    Nothing new here.

    And then there's stuff like this:
    MSNBC host David Shuster: "Is this putting our president in some sort of danger because of some wacko that will see this stuff and say, ‘oh, yes, it’s fascism and the way we dealt with Adolf Hitler was to try to kill him, so therefore, let’s do this with our president.’"
    Battlefield preparation, anyone?

  9. It drives me crazy that none of the media crying foul of these signs bother to note the URL on the bottom, or that LaRouche is advocating a single-payer health care plan.

  10. I'll say all of the above. I see that the guy also somehow implied that the only way to prevent the next Hitler was to keep the Democrats in power forever. AND THESE PEOPLE VOTE AND REPRODUCE!

  11. Oh, I suspect their irony glands are simply impacted and they need a trip to the vet to get them lanced and expressed...

    oh wait, did I mean anal glands? I forget...


  12. re-stating option C or no, Firehand said what I was thinking. But "Do as I say, not as I do" has been around since before someone got the idea of bringing a lightning-struck burning branch into the cave.

    And "D: ALL of the Above." Though some mushroom lovers might object (indeed, I think one did) to disparaging fungus.

  13. So by this guy's argument:
    "If anything can be learned from German history, it would be the danger of having a health care policy controlled by the Government, and then giving control of it to a nationalistic political party which values "traditional" American values and society above all."
    We DON'T want a .gov health plan because one day the crazies might rule the asylum. Fantastic grasp of how a republic works. I must applaud the author, but I am afraid that the sound of two hands clapping might send him scurrying under a desk.

    WV: febil---nuf said

  14. Firehand is right, these people truly feel that their comparisons are "appropriate" in every way, and the current ones the reverse.

    Pretty much as the current comparers do, again in reverse order.

    Craziness and ignorant comments advance nothing but the noise level.

  15. Then again, "because the Democrats will misuse it when one of them gets the Presidency" was my main reason for opposing some of the wiretap rules added or eased during Dubya's administration.

  16. Oh, I'm pretty sure the GOP was capable of misusing their own wiretap laws every bit as well as the Dems; it's just a matter of against whom they're being misused.

  17. I agree with your observation about irony.

    I was surprised by Sean's explanation why forced euthanasia could not happen.
    "... malicious rumors about "death panels" and forced euthanasia... myths which ignore the fact that forced euthanasia is still illegal in all 50 states."

    Here Sean is, defending a national plan intended to over-ride all state plans - by explaining that the federal plan wouldn't over ride a state plan.


    This is the same administration writing writing Montana and Tennessee about how federal law over-rides state legislation. This is the same administration sending Secy State Hillary Clinton to the UN - to sign on to a unilateral citizenry disarmament treaty.

    No, I don't buy the spin and deception promoting B. Hussein Obama's proposed health care. And Sean overlooked the part of the German "minimally socialist" health care that took children from facilities caring for emotional, mental, and birth defects to perform forced euthanasia - for their own, good, of course. That is certainly one way to reduce health care cost.


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